Hey peoples...I'm in kind of a poopy mood right at the moment because my mommy's in the hospital yet again and she's being told again that she will most likely need a pace maker. I realize that a pace maker is not a death sentence - that it's actually a life-saving device, but I still don't like it. (THAT's the understatement of the millenium...) Mom just called me (on her cell phone...how very ironic) to ask me to look up what kind of pace maker is used to treat cardioneurogenic syncope (a.k.a. vasovagal syncope) I have no idea what I'm looking at and it's making me feel like crap. I really hate this whole other people being sick thing. It's so much easier when I was the one who was sick and I didn't have to worry and fret and feel stupid and insufficient because I had no idea what to do. This sucks ass. She asked me to print off pertinent information, but I don't know what qualifies as "pertinent". I will probably end up printing every article ever written on vasosvagal/cardioneurogenic syncope and come up with nothing useful. *sigh* Bleh, I feel incredibly useless right now and the worse I feel, the tireder I get. Logically, I know I need to stop - take a break from looking at all this crap. But as a concerned daughter, I don't want to stop looking at everything on the internet until I find something that says "Oh, nevermind! Your mom is fine. We're just going to *insert medical jargon type procedure-y thing here* and she'll be good to go!" And yet I sit here, pissing and moaning about it in my blog. Productive, right? I guess I'll just have to do the best I can and hope and pray that I can help my mommy. I've noticed some support group thingies that might be useful. Somehow, talking to people who have experienced a certain problem is always much more enlightening than discussing it with those who merely treat and analyze said condition. Perhaps I shall peruse the support group area for information that may be helpful...
Okay, I took a much needed break to look at slightly less disturbing subject matter. Specifically y'all's blogs and stuff! I also took a trip to a couple of crafty-type knitting, etc sites. Since of the three of us who actually read this blog, I'm the least likely to have finded this thingy, I felt the desperate need to point it out. I think this would be fun to cross-stitch, though I don't know wtf I'd put it on...I also like this because quite frankly, I HAVE often thought that my toiletries would look MUCH more attractive were they ensconced within a scary robot. Doesn't every girl feel that way? I really like a lot of the stuff on the Anticraft website...thanks Andrea!!! In fact, while looking at this little project (which I fully intend to attempt in the future - just to forewarn you) I discovered Miss Monster, of whom I am now quite fond! I'm pretty sure that this is the best picture ever. Though I also think that this one is really pretty. Is it weird that I think that's "pretty"? Eh, probably, but oh fucking well - I do! So, HA! In addition to looking at pretties online, I also took some time to finish my first Merry Gentry book. It was quite fun and seemed an impossibly quick read. Those were some of the fastest 435 pages I ever devoured.
I'm still not sure what the Hell I'm looking for as far as my mommy's condition goes, but at least I got a little break. I guess looking for I-don't-know-what for 4 hours straight would make anyone feel a little inadequate. Or maybe it's just me. I don't know, but I do feel a bit better now. Yarn and venting have that effect on me...
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Sweet Sweater Lovin'
So what's going on with y'all's KnitBlue KAL? I was just looking a some of the posts and I am in heart with that Stitch Diva sweater pattern. Don't you guys LOVE it?! I'm not sure if you can tell, but I'm bored right now. Maybe I'll go read my book or take a nap. Or a bath...or take a nap in the bath...preferably without drowning. haha...I'll let you know how things turn out!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry the-day-after Christmas!
I had so much fun shopping and finding the "perfect" gift for each of my friends. Of whom there are a grand total of 5 (including my sister and mom) Don't get this confused with organization. Dear me, no! "Organized" is not a word well known by this slob! Granted, I did make a list (and I even checked it more than once) but in no way was I prepared in a timely manner. Hence the reason all your Christmas gifts are late in coming. I do indeed have them. Heck, I even wrapped them before Christmas Eve (I know, freaky)...but no way in Hell was I foresighted enough to actually mail them in time for the holiday! That would just be too weird. In fact, true to my usual holiday timing my sister, mother and I exchanged gifts on the 23rd and Beth and I didn't exchange presents until today (the 26th) The only thing I did true to Christmas tradition was eat. First Christmas Eve "dinner" at the Grand Buffet (Chinese) in Logan and then turkey, etc on Christmas Day. I especially loved the sign in the window at the Grand Buffet that read "We open for Holozay. Coming in!"
The only other thing I did was go to midnight mass with my Grandma and Sara. I've reached the conclusion yet again that so called "organized religion" is not for me. Don't get me wrong...I know that many people like the monotony and security of it, but I felt very inadequate. I couldn't remember all the correct responses and I accidently said "Thank you" instead of "Thanks be to God" a couple of times. Plus, I don't like the Catholic viewpoint that insists we must love God out of fear. Fire and brimstone aren't my thing. I don't think there's anything wrong with thanking a higher power for watching out for us, but the whole "Thank you, Lord!I love you, so don't torture me for eternity, okay?" thing kinda creeps me out. I don't like being scared. I personally prefer and believe in a more benevolent God than a malevolent one. Okay, enough religion...just had to point that out.
Anyway, back to the presents...I apologize for the long time in coming. I actually haven't been able to pick yours up yet, Andrea but rest assured that it WAS purchased prior to Christmas. I'm not sure why that's so important, but I think it is so...yeah. I actually have yours packed and ready to mail, Cassi but being the 'tard that I am, I forgot to put one thing in so I'll probably end up unpacking and re-packing it. Plus, I addressed it to your NC address so even if I HAD sent it on time, you wouldn't have it yet. If you'd like to give me the address you're at in TX I can mail it there, but with my luck you'll be back home by then. Honestly, it's not entirely unlikely that both of y'all's Christmas gifts will arrive closer to St. Valentine's Day.
As it turned out, I wasn't able to finish that scarf for Sara. I only have about 4 inches done of it. LOL Yes, I knit VERY slowly! I got this cool new thing the other day (when I picked up some Christmas pressies...hehehe) that is meant to help when you're knitting two yarns together, but the woman working in the shop said many people also find it helpful when trying to control tension. I've yet to use it, but it sure is neato looking! I plan to go back to said knitting shop and get some more yarn and stuff (cause it's required) so I'll pick up a couple for y'all if you'd like. Anyway, so I ended up getting Sara 3 CDs that she seems happy with and I'm thinking about casting off on the scarf and redoing it later...like for next year. Maybe I can use the spaztic swatch I produced this time as part of a patchwork thingy if y'all ever want to do that. Other than that, the only news I really have to report is that Mom isn't doing too well the last week or so. I'm onestly not sure what's going on, but I wish that these doctors could help her. If only House were a real person. *sigh* I've also started reading the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton and have been somewhat surprised by the immediate sexual content. I told Beth that Sara and I were teasing Grandma about liking smut (she reads those books with Fabio on the cover) and I started reading that and immediately felt like a hypocrite. HAHAHA Not badly enough to stop reading though (of course) When I discussed the subject matter with Beth (not too loudly since her sons were here), we pondered over why the men always seem to have "glistening members". Do they all have glitter on them? Or do they suddenly become wet when aroused? All this time I thought that we women had more to do with the "wet" part than the men did. I'VE BEEN MISLEAD!!! Oh well. LMAO Well, this blog is getting rather long and all that talk about glistening members is making me yearn for my book. HAHAHA Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a magical New Year!!
The only other thing I did was go to midnight mass with my Grandma and Sara. I've reached the conclusion yet again that so called "organized religion" is not for me. Don't get me wrong...I know that many people like the monotony and security of it, but I felt very inadequate. I couldn't remember all the correct responses and I accidently said "Thank you" instead of "Thanks be to God" a couple of times. Plus, I don't like the Catholic viewpoint that insists we must love God out of fear. Fire and brimstone aren't my thing. I don't think there's anything wrong with thanking a higher power for watching out for us, but the whole "Thank you, Lord!I love you, so don't torture me for eternity, okay?" thing kinda creeps me out. I don't like being scared. I personally prefer and believe in a more benevolent God than a malevolent one. Okay, enough religion...just had to point that out.
Anyway, back to the presents...I apologize for the long time in coming. I actually haven't been able to pick yours up yet, Andrea but rest assured that it WAS purchased prior to Christmas. I'm not sure why that's so important, but I think it is so...yeah. I actually have yours packed and ready to mail, Cassi but being the 'tard that I am, I forgot to put one thing in so I'll probably end up unpacking and re-packing it. Plus, I addressed it to your NC address so even if I HAD sent it on time, you wouldn't have it yet. If you'd like to give me the address you're at in TX I can mail it there, but with my luck you'll be back home by then. Honestly, it's not entirely unlikely that both of y'all's Christmas gifts will arrive closer to St. Valentine's Day.
As it turned out, I wasn't able to finish that scarf for Sara. I only have about 4 inches done of it. LOL Yes, I knit VERY slowly! I got this cool new thing the other day (when I picked up some Christmas pressies...hehehe) that is meant to help when you're knitting two yarns together, but the woman working in the shop said many people also find it helpful when trying to control tension. I've yet to use it, but it sure is neato looking! I plan to go back to said knitting shop and get some more yarn and stuff (cause it's required) so I'll pick up a couple for y'all if you'd like. Anyway, so I ended up getting Sara 3 CDs that she seems happy with and I'm thinking about casting off on the scarf and redoing it later...like for next year. Maybe I can use the spaztic swatch I produced this time as part of a patchwork thingy if y'all ever want to do that. Other than that, the only news I really have to report is that Mom isn't doing too well the last week or so. I'm onestly not sure what's going on, but I wish that these doctors could help her. If only House were a real person. *sigh* I've also started reading the Merry Gentry series by Laurell K. Hamilton and have been somewhat surprised by the immediate sexual content. I told Beth that Sara and I were teasing Grandma about liking smut (she reads those books with Fabio on the cover) and I started reading that and immediately felt like a hypocrite. HAHAHA Not badly enough to stop reading though (of course) When I discussed the subject matter with Beth (not too loudly since her sons were here), we pondered over why the men always seem to have "glistening members". Do they all have glitter on them? Or do they suddenly become wet when aroused? All this time I thought that we women had more to do with the "wet" part than the men did. I'VE BEEN MISLEAD!!! Oh well. LMAO Well, this blog is getting rather long and all that talk about glistening members is making me yearn for my book. HAHAHA Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a magical New Year!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
What Kind of Knitter Are You?
What Kind of Knitter Are You?
You appear to be a Knitting Apprentice. You've got the basics down pat and you might just be falling in love with this hobby. Big needles, funky yarns and simple shapes are the name of the game, but it doesn't mean you don't experiment a bit, here and there. As an apprentice, you probably fall back on other people to get you through those rough spots, and if you don't know anyone who knits, you probably have a few books or online sources to tap. http://marniemaclean.com
Take this quiz!
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
I'm staying with Sara again this week and therefore have *gasp* internet access! We went to a scrapbooking class last night , which was delightful. I got to make half a dozen pretties. YAY!
I don't know what it is about her living room, but I am REALLY COLD! The heat is set to 75 and I'm shivering. Maybe it has something to do with my excessive inactivity.....nah!
My mom had an appointment with a cardiologist yesterday. A guy named Dr. Liu. Once you figured out his accent, he was surprisingly easy to understand. I think a lot of it was inferred from watching him, though. I wouldn't want to have a lengthy phone conversation with the guy. Then again, I don't particularly want to have a lengthy phone conversation with ANY cardiologist. Unless I meet a really hot one who wants to marry me. Then we'll talk.
As usual, I digress - now back to why I brought this up. It seems that my mommy's heart is all fuckered up.
That's apparently why she keeps collapsing. They're trying another configuration of medications for now, but he said that her only option may be a pacemaker. A PACEMAKER!!!
My mom was, understandably, upset. Hell, so was I! My mommy can't have a pacemaker! That's crazy talk. I don't even recognize her without her cell phone and the handsfree head set stuck in her ear. Maybe that's what's wrong with her heart. She worries too much about - well - everyone. I know I've accused her of hypochodriasis in the past, but I'm pretty certain that autonomic functions are difficult to consciously mess with. That's why they're autonomic...HELLO?!? Either way, it is a very upsetting turn of events. (I know I've already mentioned this, but oh well...Hurray for redundancy!)
Come to think of it, it's much more upsetting now that I'm listening to Evanescence. This morning when I was chit-chatting with Cassi and listening to Carrie Underwood, it wasn't nearly so distressing. I am music's puppet, as usual. Anyway, that's completely beside the point. More on point - I'll keep y'all updated on her progress as well as I can.
In other news, it's friggin' freezing outside! Which is having (surprisingly) little to no effect on my Lupus symptoms. I read somewhere recently that people living in cool weather climates tend to live longer than those in warm weather. Strange since so many retirees head for Florida/etc...Speaking of cold weather, they're showing the Harry Potter movies on TV as a Christmas thing right? I think it only appropriate then, that the new Harry Potter movie come out, like NOW! Or at least the new book...I need my HP fix! What's up with them coming out during the Summer?! Okay, I know that the li'l kids can go during Summer break, but they can do that during Christmas break too! Not to mention, who cares?! I, personally, would prefer to avoid rugrats when I see it. The subject matter is getting too adult for them anyway, right? Right. Oh, well...I can bitch and moan all I want and it still won't come out until next Summer. No one ever listens to me. The point though, is that "I can bitch and moan all I want" and that's what's important!
Anywho, I hope all is well with y'all. I think I'm going to go lie down or watch TV or something equally constructive. Being really, really cold makes me sleepy...
Please keep my mommy in your thoughts, okay? I love you!!!
I don't know what it is about her living room, but I am REALLY COLD! The heat is set to 75 and I'm shivering. Maybe it has something to do with my excessive inactivity.....nah!
My mom had an appointment with a cardiologist yesterday. A guy named Dr. Liu. Once you figured out his accent, he was surprisingly easy to understand. I think a lot of it was inferred from watching him, though. I wouldn't want to have a lengthy phone conversation with the guy. Then again, I don't particularly want to have a lengthy phone conversation with ANY cardiologist. Unless I meet a really hot one who wants to marry me. Then we'll talk.
As usual, I digress - now back to why I brought this up. It seems that my mommy's heart is all fuckered up.
Come to think of it, it's much more upsetting now that I'm listening to Evanescence. This morning when I was chit-chatting with Cassi and listening to Carrie Underwood, it wasn't nearly so distressing. I am music's puppet, as usual. Anyway, that's completely beside the point. More on point - I'll keep y'all updated on her progress as well as I can.
In other news, it's friggin' freezing outside! Which is having (surprisingly) little to no effect on my Lupus symptoms. I read somewhere recently that people living in cool weather climates tend to live longer than those in warm weather. Strange since so many retirees head for Florida/etc...Speaking of cold weather, they're showing the Harry Potter movies on TV as a Christmas thing right? I think it only appropriate then, that the new Harry Potter movie come out, like NOW! Or at least the new book...I need my HP fix! What's up with them coming out during the Summer?! Okay, I know that the li'l kids can go during Summer break, but they can do that during Christmas break too! Not to mention, who cares?! I, personally, would prefer to avoid rugrats when I see it. The subject matter is getting too adult for them anyway, right? Right. Oh, well...I can bitch and moan all I want and it still won't come out until next Summer. No one ever listens to me. The point though, is that "I can bitch and moan all I want" and that's what's important!
Anywho, I hope all is well with y'all. I think I'm going to go lie down or watch TV or something equally constructive. Being really, really cold makes me sleepy...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
This Is How Exceptionally Lazy I Am
I was just thinking to myself Wow, I have a lot to write about! I wish there were some way I could just record myself saying what I want to write and then post it.
Yeah, I am too lazy to type out a blog. Hell, one of these days there probably WILL be a way to just say what you want typed. Aside from secretaries and whatever other programs may already exist outside of my income bracket, of course. In any case since those are just pipe dreams (to me) for the moment, I might as well stop wasting time and energy typing bullshit and get down to business.
First of all, I had a really great time staying with my sister last week even though my mom ended up imposing herself upon us and stayed the entire week. Of course Fri-Sun was wonderful because I went up to Tiffin to Ria & Steve's house for Cookie Making Weekend. An annual get together in which Steve prepares insanely wonderful feasts, we make various forms of cookies, and just generally enjoy one another's company for 3 days. Even in spite of the fact that there were 9 people sharing 3 bathrooms, only 2 of which had showers. We somehow managed to avoid any brawls. Freakish right? Cookie making weekend always seems to be scheduled (conveniently or inconveniently depending upon your own personal views) during the OSU vs. Michigan game. The reason this is potentially inconvenient is because Maria and Steve have forgone the luxury of television. They have a TV but it is used primarily to listen to music on those TV Radio stations and watch DVDs. So you can see where the lack of cable might be a problem in viewing what amounts to the biggest football game of the year for many, many, many Ohioans, myself included. Yes, I consider myself an Ohioan and a Texan. So I'm mixed... Wanna fight about it? You can imagine the dilemma this causes when OSU plays UT. Actually, to be honest, I think it's kind of a nifty game because really no matter whom comes out the victor, I'm a pretty happy camper. I also go around looking like a 'tard all day in my Buckeye tshirt and Longhorn hoodie/pants/some other article of clothing so that's always fun. You just ave to be careful about going out in public is all. HAHAHA Anyway, I digress (as usual) so moving right along...
In case you didn't know, the OSU Buckeyes did, indeed beat the Michigan Wolverines. WAHOO! Much to my dissatisfaction it was a VERY close game, but we won in the end and that's what really matters is it not? At least from a football fanatic point of view. I personally wouldn't have been bordering suicidal. Had we lost I would have probably been a little sad and declared the loss to be "too bad" before proceeding to play a raucous game of Yahtzee! with my family (which I lost by a pathetic margin) and eating cookies. So, now we get to wait until January or some other far off month until OSU takes on whomever they happen to be playing against at the Tostitos Bowl (I think) in AZ. So, since I'll still be up here, that will undoubtedly be a big to-do as well.
I am looking forward to this Thursday (HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!!!) because that is the day on which we celebrate Thanksgiving (fancy that!) by getting everyone, their mother, their uncle, their wife, and their dog together at The Olde Dutch Resauraunt in Logan. Every year, my Grandma has someone do something creative for her to use as personalized placemarkers. This year (since I'm here) the honor fell to moi. I enlisted the help of my sister and now we are 2 days away from Thanksgiving with our project about halfway done. Ain't procrastination grand?! We're making personalized magnets for each guest and as of now we have the magnets painted and magnetized, but we still have to decoupage and personalize them. I'm just hoping that Sara's right and the decoupage glue doesn't require too long to set up...We DO have an excuse for being so far behind, I swear! It's a shitty excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.
We didn't feel like it. LOL
Honestly, we would've worked more on them the past couple of days if recent events hadn't transpired, but alas - life goes on (I never did care for that show) Want to hear all about it? Probably not, but I'm typing it in here just in case and cause I feel like it.
So, my sweet sissy was working at this shitass company called EarthTones. Basically what they did, was sell clothing products (shirts, hats, etc) to companies such as John Deere and JCPenney. Well, here's the thing...they took the orders and the money, but then the boss man (we'll call him Larry, since that's his name) instructed them not to ship the products. Brilliant business strategy, right? Needless to say, the company didn't do so well. So, after months of bullshitting and telling Sara that they were going to find her another position at one of Larry's other crappy companies, she was "let go". Doesn't that term just make you want to smack someone? I could be wrong, but I don't know a whole lot of people who WANT to lose their job. I know plenty of people who don't like their jobs - even hate them- but I'm pretty sure they like that whole getting paid thing. On the plus side, Sara HATED her job with a passion and was quite relieved when they "let her go". On the plus+ side, she has already found a new temp agency and a promising potential new job! YAY! (She's so industrious) Unfortunately, she's been having some trouble getting the application completed, also because of the recent events that have transpired. Okay, on the the transpired event now...
Yesterday (Monday) morning Sara awoke bright and early to go to the temp agency for what I assume was a placement interview. Mom and I both got up with her. I think I have a sinus/ear infection or a cold, but it's not bad yet so I'm still feeling basically okay *knock on wood* Mom made breakfast for Sara and me which consisted of toast with butter and cinnamon sugar and hot drinks. Sara had tea, I had hot chocolate...that's not important to the story, but whatever. The point is that Mom was doing well. After eating, I sat up for a bit to avoid acid reflux or something equally unpleasant and then headed back to bed. I vaguely remember my mom coming in and checking on me while she got dressed and stuff. Sara returned home at around 10:30, I think and I went ahead and got up at that point. Aren't vacations the greatest? Oh wait, I do that every day - nevermind! Haha!
So, yea...anyway, mom wasn't at the apartment anymore which prompted me to ask Sara where she'd gone. Iwas told that she went to return some things to various stores so I decided to give her a call and ask if she would pick up some Coke for me since when I'm sick, I like to drink Coke. I think because that's just what I always had. She said sure and everything was hunky dorey until about an hour later. That was when we received a call from mom. She couldn't talk too well so Jim from Wal-Mart got on the line to tell us that she'd fainted in the checkout line. This has been happeneing a lot lately and she doesn't exactly faint so much as she just gets very, very weak and can't stand up any longer. So, we thanked Jim and rushed to Wal-Mart to collect mom. When we got there, there was an ambulance out front and mom was inside it. Jim had called 9-1-1 apparently, and rightly so. The ambulance techicians couldn't however get a line started on her since my mom's veins are small and tend to roll. So, they took her over to the E.R. where Sara and I finally caught up with her (after searching for 30 minutes to find a parking space, that is). As far as I know right now, they still don't know why she is having these dizzy/weak spells. There are several theories. One doctor thought it was her heart as her heartbeat was only 46 and suggested a pacemaker before learning that she takes Nadolol and that could be affecting her. A nurse thought that maybe it's because the dosages on her medications haven't been change since her weight loss (she's lost about 45 pounds and isn't it sad that none of the other doctors she's seen thought of that?) and of course, as is often the case with weakness/dizziness/numbness it could be neurological. So, many tests are being performed. She also found out that she is an excellent candidate for a surgury she recently discovered she needed (you REALLY don't want to hear about it, trust me) so that was good news, but now I don't know if that's a plausible option. Especially since she'd have to undergo general anesthesia and with her heartrate so low....I just don't know, but it worries me.
If you've read this far, I applaud, congratulate, and thank you and if you happen to have any insights as to what is going on, I'd love to hear your thoughts. As for me, I'm just medicating myself as usual and adding DayQuil, NyQuil, Amoxicillan, and various Zinc remedies to help me get over this whatever-the-hell-it-is and hoping that I will be well enough to go to Thanksgiving dinner. I'd like for mom to be able to go too, but I don't know how I'd feel about her travelling. I haven't been to see her since she got admitted to the hospital from the E.R. since I'm already sick. I feel badly about that, but I understand where people are comimg from when they ask me to stay home. Sara's visiting her right now and the poor thing has to come home and be up tomorrow in time to finish the application process at the temp agency at 7:30 a.m. To top things off, our friend Beth came over tonight to hitch a ride to see mom and while she was here she got a call telling her that she was being "let go" as well! Her pussy of a boss e-mailed the V.P. of the company she works for, who e-mailed the temp agency where they found her, who called her at 7 p.m. 2 days before Thanksgiving to tell her that they no longer needed her services. Don't you just want to hurt people sometimes?! The temp agency assured her that they'd have her place in a new job by Monday, but it's a pisser, you know? She actually liked her job too and she has two young boys to support. Obviously neither of their fathers pays child support. That would be far too mature of them. Anyway, now I'm feeling angry and just really disliking a lot of people. I've got that Thanksgiving spirit!!! Hahaha...So this is pretty much how I feel about people in general right now -
Yeah, I am too lazy to type out a blog. Hell, one of these days there probably WILL be a way to just say what you want typed. Aside from secretaries and whatever other programs may already exist outside of my income bracket, of course. In any case since those are just pipe dreams (to me) for the moment, I might as well stop wasting time and energy typing bullshit and get down to business.
First of all, I had a really great time staying with my sister last week even though my mom ended up imposing herself upon us and stayed the entire week. Of course Fri-Sun was wonderful because I went up to Tiffin to Ria & Steve's house for Cookie Making Weekend. An annual get together in which Steve prepares insanely wonderful feasts, we make various forms of cookies, and just generally enjoy one another's company for 3 days. Even in spite of the fact that there were 9 people sharing 3 bathrooms, only 2 of which had showers. We somehow managed to avoid any brawls. Freakish right? Cookie making weekend always seems to be scheduled (conveniently or inconveniently depending upon your own personal views) during the OSU vs. Michigan game. The reason this is potentially inconvenient is because Maria and Steve have forgone the luxury of television. They have a TV but it is used primarily to listen to music on those TV Radio stations and watch DVDs. So you can see where the lack of cable might be a problem in viewing what amounts to the biggest football game of the year for many, many, many Ohioans, myself included. Yes, I consider myself an Ohioan and a Texan. So I'm mixed... Wanna fight about it? You can imagine the dilemma this causes when OSU plays UT. Actually, to be honest, I think it's kind of a nifty game because really no matter whom comes out the victor, I'm a pretty happy camper. I also go around looking like a 'tard all day in my Buckeye tshirt and Longhorn hoodie/pants/some other article of clothing so that's always fun. You just ave to be careful about going out in public is all. HAHAHA Anyway, I digress (as usual) so moving right along...
In case you didn't know, the OSU Buckeyes did, indeed beat the Michigan Wolverines. WAHOO! Much to my dissatisfaction it was a VERY close game, but we won in the end and that's what really matters is it not? At least from a football fanatic point of view. I personally wouldn't have been bordering suicidal. Had we lost I would have probably been a little sad and declared the loss to be "too bad" before proceeding to play a raucous game of Yahtzee! with my family (which I lost by a pathetic margin) and eating cookies. So, now we get to wait until January or some other far off month until OSU takes on whomever they happen to be playing against at the Tostitos Bowl (I think) in AZ. So, since I'll still be up here, that will undoubtedly be a big to-do as well.
I am looking forward to this Thursday (HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!!!) because that is the day on which we celebrate Thanksgiving (fancy that!) by getting everyone, their mother, their uncle, their wife, and their dog together at The Olde Dutch Resauraunt in Logan. Every year, my Grandma has someone do something creative for her to use as personalized placemarkers. This year (since I'm here) the honor fell to moi. I enlisted the help of my sister and now we are 2 days away from Thanksgiving with our project about halfway done. Ain't procrastination grand?! We're making personalized magnets for each guest and as of now we have the magnets painted and magnetized, but we still have to decoupage and personalize them. I'm just hoping that Sara's right and the decoupage glue doesn't require too long to set up...We DO have an excuse for being so far behind, I swear! It's a shitty excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.
We didn't feel like it. LOL
Honestly, we would've worked more on them the past couple of days if recent events hadn't transpired, but alas - life goes on (I never did care for that show) Want to hear all about it? Probably not, but I'm typing it in here just in case and cause I feel like it.
So, my sweet sissy was working at this shitass company called EarthTones. Basically what they did, was sell clothing products (shirts, hats, etc) to companies such as John Deere and JCPenney. Well, here's the thing...they took the orders and the money, but then the boss man (we'll call him Larry, since that's his name) instructed them not to ship the products. Brilliant business strategy, right? Needless to say, the company didn't do so well. So, after months of bullshitting and telling Sara that they were going to find her another position at one of Larry's other crappy companies, she was "let go". Doesn't that term just make you want to smack someone? I could be wrong, but I don't know a whole lot of people who WANT to lose their job. I know plenty of people who don't like their jobs - even hate them- but I'm pretty sure they like that whole getting paid thing. On the plus side, Sara HATED her job with a passion and was quite relieved when they "let her go". On the plus+ side, she has already found a new temp agency and a promising potential new job! YAY! (She's so industrious) Unfortunately, she's been having some trouble getting the application completed, also because of the recent events that have transpired. Okay, on the the transpired event now...
Yesterday (Monday) morning Sara awoke bright and early to go to the temp agency for what I assume was a placement interview. Mom and I both got up with her. I think I have a sinus/ear infection or a cold, but it's not bad yet so I'm still feeling basically okay *knock on wood* Mom made breakfast for Sara and me which consisted of toast with butter and cinnamon sugar and hot drinks. Sara had tea, I had hot chocolate...that's not important to the story, but whatever. The point is that Mom was doing well. After eating, I sat up for a bit to avoid acid reflux or something equally unpleasant and then headed back to bed. I vaguely remember my mom coming in and checking on me while she got dressed and stuff. Sara returned home at around 10:30, I think and I went ahead and got up at that point. Aren't vacations the greatest? Oh wait, I do that every day - nevermind! Haha!
So, yea...anyway, mom wasn't at the apartment anymore which prompted me to ask Sara where she'd gone. Iwas told that she went to return some things to various stores so I decided to give her a call and ask if she would pick up some Coke for me since when I'm sick, I like to drink Coke. I think because that's just what I always had. She said sure and everything was hunky dorey until about an hour later. That was when we received a call from mom. She couldn't talk too well so Jim from Wal-Mart got on the line to tell us that she'd fainted in the checkout line. This has been happeneing a lot lately and she doesn't exactly faint so much as she just gets very, very weak and can't stand up any longer. So, we thanked Jim and rushed to Wal-Mart to collect mom. When we got there, there was an ambulance out front and mom was inside it. Jim had called 9-1-1 apparently, and rightly so. The ambulance techicians couldn't however get a line started on her since my mom's veins are small and tend to roll. So, they took her over to the E.R. where Sara and I finally caught up with her (after searching for 30 minutes to find a parking space, that is). As far as I know right now, they still don't know why she is having these dizzy/weak spells. There are several theories. One doctor thought it was her heart as her heartbeat was only 46 and suggested a pacemaker before learning that she takes Nadolol and that could be affecting her. A nurse thought that maybe it's because the dosages on her medications haven't been change since her weight loss (she's lost about 45 pounds and isn't it sad that none of the other doctors she's seen thought of that?) and of course, as is often the case with weakness/dizziness/numbness it could be neurological. So, many tests are being performed. She also found out that she is an excellent candidate for a surgury she recently discovered she needed (you REALLY don't want to hear about it, trust me) so that was good news, but now I don't know if that's a plausible option. Especially since she'd have to undergo general anesthesia and with her heartrate so low....I just don't know, but it worries me.
If you've read this far, I applaud, congratulate, and thank you and if you happen to have any insights as to what is going on, I'd love to hear your thoughts. As for me, I'm just medicating myself as usual and adding DayQuil, NyQuil, Amoxicillan, and various Zinc remedies to help me get over this whatever-the-hell-it-is and hoping that I will be well enough to go to Thanksgiving dinner. I'd like for mom to be able to go too, but I don't know how I'd feel about her travelling. I haven't been to see her since she got admitted to the hospital from the E.R. since I'm already sick. I feel badly about that, but I understand where people are comimg from when they ask me to stay home. Sara's visiting her right now and the poor thing has to come home and be up tomorrow in time to finish the application process at the temp agency at 7:30 a.m. To top things off, our friend Beth came over tonight to hitch a ride to see mom and while she was here she got a call telling her that she was being "let go" as well! Her pussy of a boss e-mailed the V.P. of the company she works for, who e-mailed the temp agency where they found her, who called her at 7 p.m. 2 days before Thanksgiving to tell her that they no longer needed her services. Don't you just want to hurt people sometimes?! The temp agency assured her that they'd have her place in a new job by Monday, but it's a pisser, you know? She actually liked her job too and she has two young boys to support. Obviously neither of their fathers pays child support. That would be far too mature of them. Anyway, now I'm feeling angry and just really disliking a lot of people. I've got that Thanksgiving spirit!!! Hahaha...So this is pretty much how I feel about people in general right now -
Monday, November 13, 2006
Quiz Type Stuff 'n' Junk
the Helper Thanks for taking the test ! | ||
you chose CX - your Enneagram type is TWO."I must help others"Helpers are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs. How to Get Along with Me
In Intimate Relationships What I Like About Being a Two
What's Hard About Being a Two
Twos as Children Often
Twos as Parents
Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele The Enneagram Made Easy
you wanna know MORE? or do you prefer to You are not completely happy with the result?! You chose CX Would you rather have chosen: | ||
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test written by felk on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Well, I think I have like 30 minutes left to use this computer, but I am too damn lazy to do anything so I just thought I'd say Hi!!! I love yous guys and I am still working on your care packages. teehee Brutus. Okay, I'm going to go find a book to read now. Love y'all! *hugs*
Monday, October 23, 2006
Hey cool, it worked this time....and no one is sitting reading over my shoulder...or from my left. Anyway, Grandma's waiting in the car, so I'm just going to post this really quickly and run. Love y'all! *hugs*
How long have I been gone now? It seems like a really long time. I guess it's reall only been a couple of weeks though. I'm already a little homesick...I miss Callie, my dad, my friends, and my unlimited internet access. Phooey! I tried to knit some today, but I just found myself getting tired and wanting to talk to Cassi and Andrea. I was ecstatic to get the news that my best friend (one of several) Bryn is pregnant! WooHoo!!! I'm so happy for her!!! I know she was trying to preggers, so the fact that it happened relatively easily is a blessing for her. I had a really good time up at my sister's in Columbus (well, actually Gahanna but who really knows the difference?) I like hanging out with my sis and I got to try a bunch of new, yummy restaraunts. Plus, I got to go along to a scrapbooking class with her. Being the loser I am, I ran late and we stayed like 30-45 minutes after everyone else had left, but I made some cute things (which I'm am considering sending to a couple of my friends). My Grandma got me a nice, warm Ohio State sweatshirt that I love and of course OSU's been kicking major ass all season. I'm spending the rest of this week here at my Grandma's house in Logan and next week, I'm going to spend at my Aunt Maria and Uncle Steve's house. I can't wait to see all the kitties and sneeze up a(nother) storm! LOL I'll undoubtedly take 20,000,000 pictures which I'll post one place or another once I get home. I'm also really looking forward to seeing Chrisonna's little ones, Kensi and Cade. They are SO adorable!!! And I[m very interested to see what their Halloween costumes will look like. I'm sure they'll be nauseatingly cute. I'll take pictures so that you can experience the nausea as well. I think I'm going to have to get more single use cameras, come to think of it. I also have to take pics of my mom's birthday dinner party (which may or may not be a surprise) and, of course there will be lots of picture taking at Christmas cookie making day at Steve and Ria's, our family reunion style Thanksgiving get together. Not to mention Christmas Eve and Christmas! Plus Sara, Beth and I are planning to make a trip to Cleveland (yes, Cleveland!) to go out on the town. The three of us went to a little bar/club thing in Lancaster, which was fun. Sara and Beth got pretty much shit faced and I was the DD. Cause I rock like that. We didn't take any pictures that night, but I must take some the next time we go out. I already used up 27 exposures (1 disposable camera) at the Li'l Hover Dam. I'll tell y'all more about that when I get around to developing/posting the pics from said excursion. You'd probably think that the last thing I need is more pictures, but NO! In fact, I've already raided my Grandma's photo albums for pictures I want to make copies of. Technically, I did it for mom, but I had ulterior motives. hehehe Newswise from here, there are quite a few things going on...I'm fairly sure no one gives a rat's ass, but I can't really think of anything else right now so y'all get to hear about all my cousins and stuff. Lucky you.Adam and Ian both have girlfriends and have inherited kiddos. Adam's new family includes Summer and Connor (not sure about spelling) and Ian's girlfriend is named Nikki. She has two sons: Taylor and Justin, I believe. I'm not certain of the spelling of Nikki's name either, and I haven't met Summer, Nikki, Taylor, or Justin. I DID however get to meet Connor and he is an absolute doll. Bryce seems to be single, but I imagine he'll bring Misty or someone to Thanksgiving dinner. Of course Chrisonna's married to Scott and Scott (her brother, not her husband) is married to Andrea. Erick has a girlfriend whose name is Allison, I think (he apparently only dates girls named) Allison and Gregg is still dating Jenna, if I'm correctly informed. Kate is of course, married to John and Haley's doing well playing in the Logan High Marching band and I went out to the Logan High School football game on Friday to see her play. It was actually quite fun, but I have a bit of a scratchy throat now. Oh well, I'll live(on a side note, I think I'm going to frog her scarf and start over, just doing a garter stitch). Last I heard Blake was sick. Poor Blakey...hopefully he's feeling better by now. Sara's best friend Beth has a couple of her own as well. They are both precious and are named Matthew and Alex. Matthew goes by Matt or Matt-Matt despite his pleas to be referred to as "li'l bitch". Yeah, I don' t know. I do know however that he seems to think that I am a jungle gym. He does a lot of "interesting" things as I would assume do most 4 year olds. Sara refers to him as Creaton or the Hellion fairly regularly, but he's really a cool little kid. I think that he and Adrian would probably have a good time together although I might worry about some of the words he may try to teach Adrian. As for Alex, he's 11 years old and very well behaved (esp compared with Matt-Matt) he can be quite hyper (which is exaccerbated by my mom giving him candy in disturbingly large amounts) but overall and in general, he is just a little sweetie. And of course, both of them are absolutely gorgeous.
The other day, I went out and got the new Evanescence CD and it's really awesome imhop. Yesterday, my mom and I drove up to Gahanna to see Sara. We went to On the Border (which was really yummy!) and then Sara headed out to a Halloween party with a friend of hers while mom and I headed to Columbus with much confusion. Impossible as it is to believe we got a bit lost. I know...it's unbelievable! I'll give you a minute to recuperate from the shock of it.......
Okay time's up. So yeah...Columbus - High Street to be precise. It was remeniscent of Austin, especially since we (the OSU Bucks, that is) had just kicked ass in our/their/whatever home game. Yayness! We ended up going to a small-ish tattoo shop that REALLY reminded me of something on 6th Street (though it was on 5th Avenue - close enough, right?) and my mom actually got a tattoo. NOW THAT'S A SURPRISE!!! I'll take a picture of it and post it ASAP. I was actually quite proud of her. She (and this is the TRULY amazing part) didn't whine the WHOLE time! It is pretty small, but still...tattoos do hurt. She got a butterfly that she insists is "gothic". I just think it's pretty. Actually, it's a simplified version of the one in my pics on MySpace. Anyway, I'll post a picture soon. Isn't reundancy fun?! After her tattoo, mom and I headed home and got all turned around again when we missed our exit (which, I feel the need to say, I pointed out to her and she freaked out for some reason and went the wrong way) In the process of turning around, mom spotted a Mejer's (sort of like a WalFart thought they have those too) so obviously we had to go inside. Duh! Plus it was time for her to tend to the new tat, and she needed soap and lotion, etc. I found this spiffy Halloween costume that I really liked and was going to get it, but then discovered that it had been fucked with and was messed up. Poopy! Oh well, it's not like I'm going to go anywhere anyway. *shrugs* Anyway, after that, we stopped at an Arby's for "dinner" at midnight. Then we managed to find the right highway and headed home, listening to Evanescence all the way.I was amazed that I actually had quite a fun time with my mom. She cna be really cool, when she's not having a freak attack every two seconds. In any case, I enjoyed myself and we learned some interesting homeopathic remedies from the tattoo artist at Sweet Baby Octane.
Good times, good times. Hope everything's well back home...I know that my Dad and Callie are doing wonderfully. Everyone else needs to update me! I'll try to check back as soon as I can. I'm headed up to Tiffin to see my aunt Maria and uncle Steve tomorrow, and staying for a week, so it's likely that I won't check e-mail or anything for the next week or so. I'd love to have some info when I get back though. *hint, hint* Oh, and I don't know if my cell will work up there, since it's kind of in the boondocks, but if it does, I'll call people. Y'all know who ya' are. Take care everyone!!!!
How long have I been gone now? It seems like a really long time. I guess it's reall only been a couple of weeks though. I'm already a little homesick...I miss Callie, my dad, my friends, and my unlimited internet access. Phooey! I tried to knit some today, but I just found myself getting tired and wanting to talk to Cassi and Andrea. I was ecstatic to get the news that my best friend (one of several) Bryn is pregnant! WooHoo!!! I'm so happy for her!!! I know she was trying to preggers, so the fact that it happened relatively easily is a blessing for her. I had a really good time up at my sister's in Columbus (well, actually Gahanna but who really knows the difference?) I like hanging out with my sis and I got to try a bunch of new, yummy restaraunts. Plus, I got to go along to a scrapbooking class with her. Being the loser I am, I ran late and we stayed like 30-45 minutes after everyone else had left, but I made some cute things (which I'm am considering sending to a couple of my friends). My Grandma got me a nice, warm Ohio State sweatshirt that I love and of course OSU's been kicking major ass all season. I'm spending the rest of this week here at my Grandma's house in Logan and next week, I'm going to spend at my Aunt Maria and Uncle Steve's house. I can't wait to see all the kitties and sneeze up a(nother) storm! LOL I'll undoubtedly take 20,000,000 pictures which I'll post one place or another once I get home. I'm also really looking forward to seeing Chrisonna's little ones, Kensi and Cade. They are SO adorable!!! And I[m very interested to see what their Halloween costumes will look like. I'm sure they'll be nauseatingly cute. I'll take pictures so that you can experience the nausea as well. I think I'm going to have to get more single use cameras, come to think of it. I also have to take pics of my mom's birthday dinner party (which may or may not be a surprise) and, of course there will be lots of picture taking at Christmas cookie making day at Steve and Ria's, our family reunion style Thanksgiving get together. Not to mention Christmas Eve and Christmas! Plus Sara, Beth and I are planning to make a trip to Cleveland (yes, Cleveland!) to go out on the town. The three of us went to a little bar/club thing in Lancaster, which was fun. Sara and Beth got pretty much shit faced and I was the DD. Cause I rock like that. We didn't take any pictures that night, but I must take some the next time we go out. I already used up 27 exposures (1 disposable camera) at the Li'l Hover Dam. I'll tell y'all more about that when I get around to developing/posting the pics from said excursion. You'd probably think that the last thing I need is more pictures, but NO! In fact, I've already raided my Grandma's photo albums for pictures I want to make copies of. Technically, I did it for mom, but I had ulterior motives. hehehe Newswise from here, there are quite a few things going on...I'm fairly sure no one gives a rat's ass, but I can't really think of anything else right now so y'all get to hear about all my cousins and stuff. Lucky you.Adam and Ian both have girlfriends and have inherited kiddos. Adam's new family includes Summer and Connor (not sure about spelling) and Ian's girlfriend is named Nikki. She has two sons: Taylor and Justin, I believe. I'm not certain of the spelling of Nikki's name either, and I haven't met Summer, Nikki, Taylor, or Justin. I DID however get to meet Connor and he is an absolute doll. Bryce seems to be single, but I imagine he'll bring Misty or someone to Thanksgiving dinner. Of course Chrisonna's married to Scott and Scott (her brother, not her husband) is married to Andrea. Erick has a girlfriend whose name is Allison, I think (he apparently only dates girls named) Allison and Gregg is still dating Jenna, if I'm correctly informed. Kate is of course, married to John and Haley's doing well playing in the Logan High Marching band and I went out to the Logan High School football game on Friday to see her play. It was actually quite fun, but I have a bit of a scratchy throat now. Oh well, I'll live(on a side note, I think I'm going to frog her scarf and start over, just doing a garter stitch). Last I heard Blake was sick. Poor Blakey...hopefully he's feeling better by now. Sara's best friend Beth has a couple of her own as well. They are both precious and are named Matthew and Alex. Matthew goes by Matt or Matt-Matt despite his pleas to be referred to as "li'l bitch". Yeah, I don' t know. I do know however that he seems to think that I am a jungle gym. He does a lot of "interesting" things as I would assume do most 4 year olds. Sara refers to him as Creaton or the Hellion fairly regularly, but he's really a cool little kid. I think that he and Adrian would probably have a good time together although I might worry about some of the words he may try to teach Adrian. As for Alex, he's 11 years old and very well behaved (esp compared with Matt-Matt) he can be quite hyper (which is exaccerbated by my mom giving him candy in disturbingly large amounts) but overall and in general, he is just a little sweetie. And of course, both of them are absolutely gorgeous.
The other day, I went out and got the new Evanescence CD and it's really awesome imhop. Yesterday, my mom and I drove up to Gahanna to see Sara. We went to On the Border (which was really yummy!) and then Sara headed out to a Halloween party with a friend of hers while mom and I headed to Columbus with much confusion. Impossible as it is to believe we got a bit lost. I know...it's unbelievable! I'll give you a minute to recuperate from the shock of it.......
Okay time's up. So yeah...Columbus - High Street to be precise. It was remeniscent of Austin, especially since we (the OSU Bucks, that is) had just kicked ass in our/their/whatever home game. Yayness! We ended up going to a small-ish tattoo shop that REALLY reminded me of something on 6th Street (though it was on 5th Avenue - close enough, right?) and my mom actually got a tattoo. NOW THAT'S A SURPRISE!!! I'll take a picture of it and post it ASAP. I was actually quite proud of her. She (and this is the TRULY amazing part) didn't whine the WHOLE time! It is pretty small, but still...tattoos do hurt. She got a butterfly that she insists is "gothic". I just think it's pretty. Actually, it's a simplified version of the one in my pics on MySpace. Anyway, I'll post a picture soon. Isn't reundancy fun?! After her tattoo, mom and I headed home and got all turned around again when we missed our exit (which, I feel the need to say, I pointed out to her and she freaked out for some reason and went the wrong way) In the process of turning around, mom spotted a Mejer's (sort of like a WalFart thought they have those too) so obviously we had to go inside. Duh! Plus it was time for her to tend to the new tat, and she needed soap and lotion, etc. I found this spiffy Halloween costume that I really liked and was going to get it, but then discovered that it had been fucked with and was messed up. Poopy! Oh well, it's not like I'm going to go anywhere anyway. *shrugs* Anyway, after that, we stopped at an Arby's for "dinner" at midnight. Then we managed to find the right highway and headed home, listening to Evanescence all the way.I was amazed that I actually had quite a fun time with my mom. She cna be really cool, when she's not having a freak attack every two seconds. In any case, I enjoyed myself and we learned some interesting homeopathic remedies from the tattoo artist at Sweet Baby Octane.
Good times, good times. Hope everything's well back home...I know that my Dad and Callie are doing wonderfully. Everyone else needs to update me! I'll try to check back as soon as I can. I'm headed up to Tiffin to see my aunt Maria and uncle Steve tomorrow, and staying for a week, so it's likely that I won't check e-mail or anything for the next week or so. I'd love to have some info when I get back though. *hint, hint* Oh, and I don't know if my cell will work up there, since it's kind of in the boondocks, but if it does, I'll call people. Y'all know who ya' are. Take care everyone!!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Random Update
Okay, fuck the update...it saved all gonkywhompas and is all % singns and 20s...stupid computers...for now...they're turning off the lights in the library, so I think I'd better go...I'll try to get here earlier next time, though!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
'Key Dokey! (How Did I Know: Part Deaux)
What Puppy would you be most like. | |
Chihuahua Puppy You Are a Chihuahua Puppy. Small, high strung, and loyal. You do best in the city with a adults - young kids could crush you! | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
And the Scarf Drags on....
Okey dokey y'all...I have still been working on my sister's scarf for Christmas. I know, I'm slow - get over it. Anyway, I've noticed that the sections I knit when my mom's around are significantly uglier than the sections I knit when I'm alone or with -ummm- ANYONE else. My mother likes to interrrupt me and make me insane.
I'm feeling VERY stressed right now. Can you guess why? Okay time's up, I'll just tell you. The plan driving from Texas was to DROP ME OFF at my sister's apartment so that I could spend some time with her. Guess how much time I've spent with her in the last 3 days...go on guess!
You give up? Okay, I'll tell you that too...a grand total of 4 minutes. The rest of the time my mom is there driving one or both of us crazy...cause that's just what she does. Since we arrived on Sunday, my mother has said every single day that they'll be "leaving tomorrow" yet tomorrow never arrives. Damn tomorrow...damn it to Hell! My poor Grandma wants nothing more than to go home and my mom is making her stay here. Poor Grandma. Even Sara's sick and tired of Mom. I know it's only been 3 days, but 3 minutes of time with her is enough to make a person consider suicide. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
So yeah...the scarf is "funky" for lack of a better word. It has so many "design features" I'm just hoping she'll think it was supposed to be random and kind of weird. I thought about frogging it AGAIN but then remembered upon being here that she likes things with -uhh- character? Yeah, that sounds better than admitting it's all sorts of fuckered up every which way possible.
I finally decided to follow in the footsteps of my teachers and become polyamorus with my knitting, so I started on my cousin Haley's Christmas scarf too. Hopefully Haley's will have fewer "design features" and significantly less "character"
Aside from that the only things going on are...well, not much. My sister's at work and I'm borrowing her computer, and my mom and grandma went out to buy more stuff that Sara doesn't want or need, so I have to place to myself. Speaking of "the place" it is SO nice! I'm going to try to take some pictures to post on here so y'all can see it. I really just can't wiat until mom leaves. And writing about her is making me feel stressed again...I think I will put on some music and knit my stress away. Until next time: Take care!!!
I'm feeling VERY stressed right now. Can you guess why? Okay time's up, I'll just tell you. The plan driving from Texas was to DROP ME OFF at my sister's apartment so that I could spend some time with her. Guess how much time I've spent with her in the last 3 days...go on guess!
You give up? Okay, I'll tell you that too...a grand total of 4 minutes. The rest of the time my mom is there driving one or both of us crazy...cause that's just what she does. Since we arrived on Sunday, my mother has said every single day that they'll be "leaving tomorrow" yet tomorrow never arrives. Damn tomorrow...damn it to Hell! My poor Grandma wants nothing more than to go home and my mom is making her stay here. Poor Grandma. Even Sara's sick and tired of Mom. I know it's only been 3 days, but 3 minutes of time with her is enough to make a person consider suicide. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
So yeah...the scarf is "funky" for lack of a better word. It has so many "design features" I'm just hoping she'll think it was supposed to be random and kind of weird. I thought about frogging it AGAIN but then remembered upon being here that she likes things with -uhh- character? Yeah, that sounds better than admitting it's all sorts of fuckered up every which way possible.
I finally decided to follow in the footsteps of my teachers and become polyamorus with my knitting, so I started on my cousin Haley's Christmas scarf too. Hopefully Haley's will have fewer "design features" and significantly less "character"
Aside from that the only things going on are...well, not much. My sister's at work and I'm borrowing her computer, and my mom and grandma went out to buy more stuff that Sara doesn't want or need, so I have to place to myself. Speaking of "the place" it is SO nice! I'm going to try to take some pictures to post on here so y'all can see it. I really just can't wiat until mom leaves. And writing about her is making me feel stressed again...I think I will put on some music and knit my stress away. Until next time: Take care!!!
How Did I Know?
What School Of Magic Are You?
You are evocation, the art of manipulating energy like fire and lightning! Energetic and dynamic, you are often hyper without having to try. A little detirmination makes your enthusiasm a wonder to behold and often causes third degree burns.
I guess you just like us Evocation types Andrea! But I so totally do not cause third degree burns - I've HAD a couple, never CAUSED one though - that I'm aware of...
Monday, October 02, 2006
Zombie Apocalypse!!!
Yep...and here I always thought I'd be like the second person to die in Dawn of the Dead. Maybe I'd end up like Ed (Nick Frost's character in Shaun of the Dead). Andrea and Cassi will keep me in a shed to knit with on occasion. LMAO
Take the quiz:
What Kind of Apocalypse Are You?

Zombie Apocolypse
You are stubborn and headstrong, but your methodical and straightforward nature comes in handy when you are in the middle of a ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE. Just remember that a little flexibility and paying close attention to your assets will help you a great deal when fighting off hordes of the undead. Don't let the lumbering beasts of terror get you down, with a little determination you can get through anything.
What Kind of Apocalypse Are You?
Zombie Apocolypse
You are stubborn and headstrong, but your methodical and straightforward nature comes in handy when you are in the middle of a ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE. Just remember that a little flexibility and paying close attention to your assets will help you a great deal when fighting off hordes of the undead. Don't let the lumbering beasts of terror get you down, with a little determination you can get through anything.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I've Been Everywhere 2: Overstatment, much?
'Key dokey y'all...here's the revised edition of my "Where the Hell have I been?" Map. I noticed upon viewing this that I have pretty much completely and totally neglected all square/rectangular shaped states. I guess I'm a state-ist. Or maybe a shape-ist? Who knows...I'm sure it can't be good though.
I'd also like to add that one of these days I feel it will be necessary for me to reside in Bucksnort, Tennessee. Just because I want to tell people "Yeah, I live up in Bucksnort." (Yes, I'm rather easily amused...I happen to think that's a GOOD quality)
Of course, I certainly wouldn't mind visiting California again and I'm eager to visit other states too. I've got a lot of of travelling to do!!!
So, without further ado...THE MAP

create your own visited states map
I'd also like to add that one of these days I feel it will be necessary for me to reside in Bucksnort, Tennessee. Just because I want to tell people "Yeah, I live up in Bucksnort." (Yes, I'm rather easily amused...I happen to think that's a GOOD quality)
Of course, I certainly wouldn't mind visiting California again and I'm eager to visit other states too. I've got a lot of of travelling to do!!!
So, without further ado...THE MAP
create your own visited states map
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Attack of the Scarf Murdering Frogs
I hate frogs. Okay that's a lie...I like frogs, but I hate evil, scarf murdering frogs.
Like this one

See? It's an evil frog! Attacking her...umm...scarfal...region?
Or something.
Okay okay, so it's really just a kind of ugly color for that pattern and that particular scarf (IMHO). Why didn't the damn frogs attack it instead of mine? Mine's more cooler. Meanies!!! I don't know what these guys have against pretty scarves, but they're starting to piss me off, I must say!
As you may have guessed, I ended up frogging my scarf. Again. That's frog numero 3. *sigh*
I'm considering just making a garter stitch scarf for my sister, since I'm actually okay at that and since this pattern - while adorable - doesn't seem to be working out so great.
Or maybe I'll try that ribbing pattern again. That'd be pretty, don't you think? Seriously, I'm asking...what should I do? Any input would be appreciated.

Is it just me, or does that appear to read "Fhank You"?
Like this one
See? It's an evil frog! Attacking her...umm...scarfal...region?
Okay okay, so it's really just a kind of ugly color for that pattern and that particular scarf (IMHO). Why didn't the damn frogs attack it instead of mine? Mine's more cooler. Meanies!!! I don't know what these guys have against pretty scarves, but they're starting to piss me off, I must say!
As you may have guessed, I ended up frogging my scarf. Again. That's frog numero 3. *sigh*
I'm considering just making a garter stitch scarf for my sister, since I'm actually okay at that and since this pattern - while adorable - doesn't seem to be working out so great.
Or maybe I'll try that ribbing pattern again. That'd be pretty, don't you think? Seriously, I'm asking...what should I do? Any input would be appreciated.
Is it just me, or does that appear to read "Fhank You"?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
I am such a doofus. Why am I such a doofus, you ask? Well, I don't know WHY, I just know I am. If you'd like to know why I THINK I'm a doofus, then continue reading, for that is why I decided to write this. Well, that and the fact that I haven't written a blog in a little while and I'm currently bored out of my mind. Okay now for the doofiusness...
A couple of nights ago, I was lying in bed, asleep. At some point in the wee hours of the morning (I think it was actually around 6, but I'm not sure and besides...6 IS the wee hours of the morning, damnit!) I awoke and needed to go to the bathroom. I happened to have been sleeping on my left side, which leaves me facing the (closed) door of my bedroom closet. Since I was facing my closet, I happened to notice that the light inside had been left on. Hmmm, strange...
So of course, the first thought that enters my mind is that a serial killer/rapist has somehow gained entry to my humble abode and is lying in wait for me to get up and go to the bathroom. Obviously. Cause that's what serial killers/rapists do.
Also obvious is the fact that I didn't think this through, huh? Let's look at the faulty logic here:
1. Evidently, this serial murderer/rapist decided that it would be no fun to attack me whilst I slept and that it was necessary to wait until such a time as I awakened and moved about for his sinister attack.
2. I’m an idiot.
3. This particular murderer/rapist is either afraid of the dark, or he wanted to alert me to his presence. Why else would he feel the desperate need to leave the closet light on?
4. I'm an idiot.
5. It is clearly doubtless that this serial killer would target me above all others. I mean come on? Who could resist killing/raping me? Yes, once again my narcissistic neurosis (a.k.a. Narci-rosis) is hard at work!
So, after a few minutes of fretting, I finally decided Fuck it and opened the closet door..........HOLY SHIT!!!!!

Nothing. Well, nothing other than clothes, shoes, my water heater, etc. Big surprise there right? Who in their right mind would ever think that I had simply left the light on by accident? I mean really...who? Cause they're a friggin' idiot. The murderer scenario is WAY more interesting. Duh!
So, la de da...all is well in the land of the dumbasses. Just hunky dory in fact. Until………………
Last night. I go to bed and fall asleep quickly, only to be awakened at 6 for my (apparently scheduled) potty break. It is at this point that I notice that yet again the light in my closet is on. Coincidence? I think not! Surely some serial killer has gotten wind of my retarded late night thought patterns and is now taking advantage of said patterns.
*Note that the murderer is now psychic and probably has other astounding powers*
So, of course, as usual, he is waiting for me to get up and go to the bathroom to initiate his attack. Obviously. Cause that's what serial killers do.
What to do, what to do…I considered arming myself, but once again the problems with that are miraculously multi-fold. First of all, I’m a wimp and even if I DID take my disturbingly sharp awl with me, I lack the strength to harm my attacker. Second, I was just too lazy to go get it anyway. Third, certainly my movement would alert him to the fact that I was awake (because this specific murderer/rapist doesn’t sleep – Hello??? Super powers - and the turning on of my bedside lamp was no indication at all that I’d awakened) And last but not least I couldn’t decide if I should place the awl into the handle (I have an interchangeable set with 5 screwdriver heads, an awl, and a handle into which they can all be placed) or to just take the attachment. Decisions, decisions.
Of course it occurred to me that it was possible I’d simply left the light on again, but that certainly wasn’t probable. More likely was the lurking of a killer in my closet. Don’t ask me how he got in, I don’t know. They have ways, damnit! Anyway, I finally decided to again, just suck it up and check the fucking closet. And once again…
NOTHING!!! Who’d have thunk it? Certainly not I!
So, what in the world would make me think that there is most definitely a serial killer/rapist in my closet? I guess it could be a few things. Most likely it has something to do with my decision to watch "SAW". By myself. At like, 2 a.m. Yeah that might have something to do with it. As you can surmise that was one of my better ideas. But seriously that was what? 6 months ago? A year? I still find it creepy though. I always think of that flashback when they show you how the bad guy obtained the photographer dude. Hmm, wonder where I got this crazy serial killer-in-my-closet notion. I can’t imagine.
In other news: Justin Timberlake sucks evil froggie ass. Perhaps when Fiborg has assimilated the rest of the world, we knitters can unite to fight the threat that is JT. Perhaps we will be able to make all evil froggies spontaneously combust, therefore offing the self righteous, snot-nosed brat. Cause I'm pretty sure that the combustion of the evil frog whose ass he was sucking would cause a casualty. Don't you think?
Oh well, in any case, I am off to go knit. I will try to ward off the evil demon froggies from Hell (and with them, JT) . Wish me luck!
A couple of nights ago, I was lying in bed, asleep. At some point in the wee hours of the morning (I think it was actually around 6, but I'm not sure and besides...6 IS the wee hours of the morning, damnit!) I awoke and needed to go to the bathroom. I happened to have been sleeping on my left side, which leaves me facing the (closed) door of my bedroom closet. Since I was facing my closet, I happened to notice that the light inside had been left on. Hmmm, strange...
So of course, the first thought that enters my mind is that a serial killer/rapist has somehow gained entry to my humble abode and is lying in wait for me to get up and go to the bathroom. Obviously. Cause that's what serial killers/rapists do.
Also obvious is the fact that I didn't think this through, huh? Let's look at the faulty logic here:
1. Evidently, this serial murderer/rapist decided that it would be no fun to attack me whilst I slept and that it was necessary to wait until such a time as I awakened and moved about for his sinister attack.
2. I’m an idiot.
3. This particular murderer/rapist is either afraid of the dark, or he wanted to alert me to his presence. Why else would he feel the desperate need to leave the closet light on?
4. I'm an idiot.
5. It is clearly doubtless that this serial killer would target me above all others. I mean come on? Who could resist killing/raping me? Yes, once again my narcissistic neurosis (a.k.a. Narci-rosis) is hard at work!
So, after a few minutes of fretting, I finally decided Fuck it and opened the closet door..........HOLY SHIT!!!!!
Nothing. Well, nothing other than clothes, shoes, my water heater, etc. Big surprise there right? Who in their right mind would ever think that I had simply left the light on by accident? I mean really...who? Cause they're a friggin' idiot. The murderer scenario is WAY more interesting. Duh!
So, la de da...all is well in the land of the dumbasses. Just hunky dory in fact. Until………………
Last night. I go to bed and fall asleep quickly, only to be awakened at 6 for my (apparently scheduled) potty break. It is at this point that I notice that yet again the light in my closet is on. Coincidence? I think not! Surely some serial killer has gotten wind of my retarded late night thought patterns and is now taking advantage of said patterns.
*Note that the murderer is now psychic and probably has other astounding powers*
So, of course, as usual, he is waiting for me to get up and go to the bathroom to initiate his attack. Obviously. Cause that's what serial killers do.
What to do, what to do…I considered arming myself, but once again the problems with that are miraculously multi-fold. First of all, I’m a wimp and even if I DID take my disturbingly sharp awl with me, I lack the strength to harm my attacker. Second, I was just too lazy to go get it anyway. Third, certainly my movement would alert him to the fact that I was awake (because this specific murderer/rapist doesn’t sleep – Hello??? Super powers - and the turning on of my bedside lamp was no indication at all that I’d awakened) And last but not least I couldn’t decide if I should place the awl into the handle (I have an interchangeable set with 5 screwdriver heads, an awl, and a handle into which they can all be placed) or to just take the attachment. Decisions, decisions.
Of course it occurred to me that it was possible I’d simply left the light on again, but that certainly wasn’t probable. More likely was the lurking of a killer in my closet. Don’t ask me how he got in, I don’t know. They have ways, damnit! Anyway, I finally decided to again, just suck it up and check the fucking closet. And once again…
So, what in the world would make me think that there is most definitely a serial killer/rapist in my closet? I guess it could be a few things. Most likely it has something to do with my decision to watch "SAW". By myself. At like, 2 a.m. Yeah that might have something to do with it. As you can surmise that was one of my better ideas. But seriously that was what? 6 months ago? A year? I still find it creepy though. I always think of that flashback when they show you how the bad guy obtained the photographer dude. Hmm, wonder where I got this crazy serial killer-in-my-closet notion. I can’t imagine.
In other news: Justin Timberlake sucks evil froggie ass. Perhaps when Fiborg has assimilated the rest of the world, we knitters can unite to fight the threat that is JT. Perhaps we will be able to make all evil froggies spontaneously combust, therefore offing the self righteous, snot-nosed brat. Cause I'm pretty sure that the combustion of the evil frog whose ass he was sucking would cause a casualty. Don't you think?
Oh well, in any case, I am off to go knit. I will try to ward off the evil demon froggies from Hell (and with them, JT) . Wish me luck!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Kitty Cats & Progress
I am making headway on the scarf I'm making with the pretty blue/green alpaca for my sister. I only have 3 rows done, but that's headway, damnit! I ended up casting on 56 stitches, so it's nice and wide. As for the kitty cats, my aunt mailed my a couple of pictures of her adorable kitties, which I recieved today. I shall now scan said pictures with my mommy's new 4-in-1 printer thingy.
For your viewing pleasure, I present:
Miflin & Bailey

and Madolyn

One other cute kitty thingy my uncle e-mailed me was this. hehehehehe Enjoy!!!
For your viewing pleasure, I present:
Miflin & Bailey
and Madolyn
One other cute kitty thingy my uncle e-mailed me was this. hehehehehe Enjoy!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
My Pretties
I am no longer a yarn shop virgin. Now I an a yarn shop addict. Of course, as a nice woman at the store pointed out, there are worse things to be addicted to. She's probably a bigger yarnoholic than I am. hehehe
Anyway, I decided to stop being a bum and go ahead n' set up my webcam so that I could send pictures of my new lovelies across time and space to you, the unsuspecting viewer! Thoughtful of me, no?
Anyway, the following pictures were taken with my excessively crappy Logitech webcam so they suck ass, but you get the idea.
My Yarn Stash Box

from the top...

And now the YARN!!!
BEHOLD!All the yarny goodness I possess...

Yummy, 100% Alpaca!(presented in two beautiful colors)

and Heather-y Purple

These are my older yarns...
Velour-y Blue stuff

and my crappy ass Purple Red Heart stuff. (a.k.a. practice yarn)

That's it for now. You can see my needles in there too. I only have three pairs thus far, but my collection is growing almost daily, so yeah. I also want to say that, though my Red Heart stuff is basically spun crap, I love it because one of my bestest friends gave it to me and I learned how to knit with it.
Anyway, I decided to stop being a bum and go ahead n' set up my webcam so that I could send pictures of my new lovelies across time and space to you, the unsuspecting viewer! Thoughtful of me, no?
Anyway, the following pictures were taken with my excessively crappy Logitech webcam so they suck ass, but you get the idea.
My Yarn Stash Box
from the top...
And now the YARN!!!
BEHOLD!All the yarny goodness I possess...
Yummy, 100% Alpaca!(presented in two beautiful colors)
and Heather-y Purple
These are my older yarns...
Velour-y Blue stuff
and my crappy ass Purple Red Heart stuff. (a.k.a. practice yarn)
That's it for now. You can see my needles in there too. I only have three pairs thus far, but my collection is growing almost daily, so yeah. I also want to say that, though my Red Heart stuff is basically spun crap, I love it because one of my bestest friends gave it to me and I learned how to knit with it.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A New Experiment in Hideousness
So, I've been attempting to knit. As all my blogs on here have made evident. All my blogs on here have also made it apparent that I'm not particularly good at it.
I particularly blow at purling. So, I decided the make this scarf using only garter stitch. After two days I have resigned myself to the fact that this is most likey just going to end up as an experiment to see just exactly how BAD I can get a simple garter stitch to look. So far I'm doing an amazingly wonderful job of screwing it up. Yay me! How I manage to fuck up garter stitch is beyond me, but I guess it's just a gift. Thus far I've decided that these fuck ups will be considered (by myself) to be 'design features'. To whichever poor soul I decide to bestow this monstrosity upon I can only say...may the alpaca be with you.
And now...the picture...beware: Some may consider this graphic!
Behold! 16 of the ugliest rows of garter stitch you may ever have the misfortune of viewing!

Yeah there's only one pic. How many pictures can you scan of 16 rows of garter stitch? I guess I could've also scanned the back but I didn't. Wanna fight about it?
Anyway, notice the big, gaping HOLE in the middle...yeah, that's the best part! maybe I can stick a button on it or something. I don't know...Any ideas?
I particularly blow at purling. So, I decided the make this scarf using only garter stitch. After two days I have resigned myself to the fact that this is most likey just going to end up as an experiment to see just exactly how BAD I can get a simple garter stitch to look. So far I'm doing an amazingly wonderful job of screwing it up. Yay me! How I manage to fuck up garter stitch is beyond me, but I guess it's just a gift. Thus far I've decided that these fuck ups will be considered (by myself) to be 'design features'. To whichever poor soul I decide to bestow this monstrosity upon I can only say...may the alpaca be with you.
And now...the picture...beware: Some may consider this graphic!
Behold! 16 of the ugliest rows of garter stitch you may ever have the misfortune of viewing!
Yeah there's only one pic. How many pictures can you scan of 16 rows of garter stitch? I guess I could've also scanned the back but I didn't. Wanna fight about it?
Anyway, notice the big, gaping HOLE in the middle...yeah, that's the best part! maybe I can stick a button on it or something. I don't know...Any ideas?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I've come to the conclusion that knitting doesn't like me very much. Either that or the evil froggies are descending upon me, and only me. Oh well, I like knitting whether it (or the froggies) like me or not! So, HA!
My hands have been rather painful today. Arthritis sucks monkey butt. I had a headache earlier, but consuming excessive amounts of chocolate seemed to rid me of that! I still can't imagine why I'm not losing weight. ROFLMAO
Anyway, methinks I shall probably forgo any more attempts at knitting tonight and wait until tomorrow to torture myself again. I'm going to try to either knit a purl swatch so I can get more used to it or else I may just knit a scarf with no pattern. No purling, nothing but knit stitches as far as the eye can see...at least on the scarf anyway.
My hands have been rather painful today. Arthritis sucks monkey butt. I had a headache earlier, but consuming excessive amounts of chocolate seemed to rid me of that! I still can't imagine why I'm not losing weight. ROFLMAO
Anyway, methinks I shall probably forgo any more attempts at knitting tonight and wait until tomorrow to torture myself again. I'm going to try to either knit a purl swatch so I can get more used to it or else I may just knit a scarf with no pattern. No purling, nothing but knit stitches as far as the eye can see...at least on the scarf anyway.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Well, let's see...I have had quite an interesting day. (By interesting, I, of course, mean unfortunate)
First, I realized that I had screwed up my first knitting project...and I was having such fun with it too!!! I finally decided that I was going take a nap and then just continue knitting and see how it progressed.
Then, my mom felt the desperate need to annoy me. Which isn't any different from any other day, but I figured I'd throw it in there to make my day seem even more pathetic. Luckily for me, she tends to leave the house in the morning and not return home until late evening, but she still manages to make me want to scream during the interludes in which I'm forced to converse with her.
So, after awhile, and a nice nappy nap, I got back to knitting and was feeling quite loverly about things. I noticed that the pattern I was theoretically supposed to be getting was there but rather lopsided and I'd picked up several stitches along the way. I wasn't quite sure if I was meant to be picking up new stitches, but figured that I'd continue to see how it progressed while I contemplated tossing it to the evil froggies who thwart my every stitch.
So, I concluded that taking a shower to clear my head and cleanse my stinky self was the answer and that when I returned I would continue knitting and contemplating. I spent an hour in the bathroom singing and using all the hot water before I was clean and content, at which point I called my mom and asked if it would be too much trouble to bring home a drink for me since all they have in this house seems to be water and milk and I can only handle so much dairy and tasteless liquid. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem, but knowing my mother, I offered to call and remind her - to which she angrily replied that she wasn't stupid and could remember to pick up a damn drink.
- 5 hours later -
My mom finally brings my poor Grandmother back home after a long day of galavanting and I discover (much to my despair, but not to my surprise) that *GASP* my mom FORGOT to get my drink. So, I sighed at her and got a bottle of water. Of course she took this personally and took it upon herself to first, blame her forgetting it on my grandmother; saying that she was SO tired and had insisted they get home and second to insist that she go back out to pick it up. A nice thought, but I told her that I didn't need her to do it.
-1 hour later -
After arguing the point with my mother at length (see above time frame reference) she left the house despite my Grandma's, my Dad's and my own pleas with her to stay and went to pick up the damned drink. Again, a nice thought, but unnecessary. During all this I became rather stressed and upset...an effect my mother often has on me and I ended up, during her absence (a.k.a. sweet relief for me) sending my attempt at a scarf to the frog pond since the evil bastards seemed to want it so very badly. After my mom returned (with the drink I specifically requested she NOT get) she continued to annoy for awhile longer until she finally went to bed. Thank alpaca!!!
Unfortunately, I then decided to get online and check my MySpace account because...well, I have no life and I was bored. Plus, my knitting attempts all seemed to be a bust for today. So, I fiddled around on the internet island of whores for a bit and noticed that this guy (of course, it's gotta be guy trouble) ...this guy whom I seem to inexplicably care for, who is always - literally every time he talks to me - asking me to come see him and to date him, etc. has evidently abandoned his efforts in favor of a nearer, whore-ier female. Actually, she's probably a very nice girl and he's probably going to give her chlamydia, but it's still a pisser. Especially since they've evidently been dating for awhile now and just last night he asked - nay BEGGED me to come visit him/date him/have sex with him. Bleh...I realize that it's now almost 2 a.m., and therefore technically no longer Thursday, but I still feel the need to say I hope to Hell tomorrow turns out better.
At least as far as my knitting is concerned.
First, I realized that I had screwed up my first knitting project...and I was having such fun with it too!!! I finally decided that I was going take a nap and then just continue knitting and see how it progressed.
Then, my mom felt the desperate need to annoy me. Which isn't any different from any other day, but I figured I'd throw it in there to make my day seem even more pathetic. Luckily for me, she tends to leave the house in the morning and not return home until late evening, but she still manages to make me want to scream during the interludes in which I'm forced to converse with her.
So, after awhile, and a nice nappy nap, I got back to knitting and was feeling quite loverly about things. I noticed that the pattern I was theoretically supposed to be getting was there but rather lopsided and I'd picked up several stitches along the way. I wasn't quite sure if I was meant to be picking up new stitches, but figured that I'd continue to see how it progressed while I contemplated tossing it to the evil froggies who thwart my every stitch.
So, I concluded that taking a shower to clear my head and cleanse my stinky self was the answer and that when I returned I would continue knitting and contemplating. I spent an hour in the bathroom singing and using all the hot water before I was clean and content, at which point I called my mom and asked if it would be too much trouble to bring home a drink for me since all they have in this house seems to be water and milk and I can only handle so much dairy and tasteless liquid. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem, but knowing my mother, I offered to call and remind her - to which she angrily replied that she wasn't stupid and could remember to pick up a damn drink.
- 5 hours later -
My mom finally brings my poor Grandmother back home after a long day of galavanting and I discover (much to my despair, but not to my surprise) that *GASP* my mom FORGOT to get my drink. So, I sighed at her and got a bottle of water. Of course she took this personally and took it upon herself to first, blame her forgetting it on my grandmother; saying that she was SO tired and had insisted they get home and second to insist that she go back out to pick it up. A nice thought, but I told her that I didn't need her to do it.
-1 hour later -
After arguing the point with my mother at length (see above time frame reference) she left the house despite my Grandma's, my Dad's and my own pleas with her to stay and went to pick up the damned drink. Again, a nice thought, but unnecessary. During all this I became rather stressed and upset...an effect my mother often has on me and I ended up, during her absence (a.k.a. sweet relief for me) sending my attempt at a scarf to the frog pond since the evil bastards seemed to want it so very badly. After my mom returned (with the drink I specifically requested she NOT get) she continued to annoy for awhile longer until she finally went to bed. Thank alpaca!!!
Unfortunately, I then decided to get online and check my MySpace account because...well, I have no life and I was bored. Plus, my knitting attempts all seemed to be a bust for today. So, I fiddled around on the internet island of whores for a bit and noticed that this guy (of course, it's gotta be guy trouble) ...this guy whom I seem to inexplicably care for, who is always - literally every time he talks to me - asking me to come see him and to date him, etc. has evidently abandoned his efforts in favor of a nearer, whore-ier female. Actually, she's probably a very nice girl and he's probably going to give her chlamydia, but it's still a pisser. Especially since they've evidently been dating for awhile now and just last night he asked - nay BEGGED me to come visit him/date him/have sex with him. Bleh...I realize that it's now almost 2 a.m., and therefore technically no longer Thursday, but I still feel the need to say I hope to Hell tomorrow turns out better.
At least as far as my knitting is concerned.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Order of the Fiborg
This is the day the alpaca hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
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