I don't know what it is about her living room, but I am REALLY COLD! The heat is set to 75 and I'm shivering. Maybe it has something to do with my excessive inactivity.....nah!
My mom had an appointment with a cardiologist yesterday. A guy named Dr. Liu. Once you figured out his accent, he was surprisingly easy to understand. I think a lot of it was inferred from watching him, though. I wouldn't want to have a lengthy phone conversation with the guy. Then again, I don't particularly want to have a lengthy phone conversation with ANY cardiologist. Unless I meet a really hot one who wants to marry me. Then we'll talk.
As usual, I digress - now back to why I brought this up. It seems that my mommy's heart is all fuckered up.
Come to think of it, it's much more upsetting now that I'm listening to Evanescence. This morning when I was chit-chatting with Cassi and listening to Carrie Underwood, it wasn't nearly so distressing. I am music's puppet, as usual. Anyway, that's completely beside the point. More on point - I'll keep y'all updated on her progress as well as I can.
In other news, it's friggin' freezing outside! Which is having (surprisingly) little to no effect on my Lupus symptoms. I read somewhere recently that people living in cool weather climates tend to live longer than those in warm weather. Strange since so many retirees head for Florida/etc...Speaking of cold weather, they're showing the Harry Potter movies on TV as a Christmas thing right? I think it only appropriate then, that the new Harry Potter movie come out, like NOW! Or at least the new book...I need my HP fix! What's up with them coming out during the Summer?! Okay, I know that the li'l kids can go during Summer break, but they can do that during Christmas break too! Not to mention, who cares?! I, personally, would prefer to avoid rugrats when I see it. The subject matter is getting too adult for them anyway, right? Right. Oh, well...I can bitch and moan all I want and it still won't come out until next Summer. No one ever listens to me. The point though, is that "I can bitch and moan all I want" and that's what's important!
Anywho, I hope all is well with y'all. I think I'm going to go lie down or watch TV or something equally constructive. Being really, really cold makes me sleepy...
Awww, hugs for mommy. I'm online practically all day, so if you feel like chatting...(you know it was really me that made it better :D). And a Harry Potter movie in summer?! WTF?! How are we supposed to wear all the totally cool scarves and shit required of fangirls in 105 degree Texas heat?! SO NOT COOL!!!
TOTALY AGREED in regards to the HP comment!!!
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