Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Words of Wisdom from Gail

So, my friend and fellow Lupie, Gail has posted a series of funny - though rather sad - bulletins on MySpace in the past couple of days. I thought I'd share them...

These are some things that she (and I, for that matter) are quite certain of:

I didn't develop Lupus because I drank store brand milk
Walking around the block at 2pm in the afternoon isn't "all I need."
A job would not set me free from my "prison," (though it just might set me free so to speak, permanently....)
I didn't develop Lupus from drinking Diet soda

Receiving disability insurance checks is not "being lucky," it is my right. I paid into the plan..."just in case"...and "just in case" ended up happening, and now I collect.
Furthermore, getting disability insurance payments is not "financial aid," I could win the Mega Bucks tomorrow, and they would still send me disability payments each month (Just like rich bitches who crash their Mercedes still collect insurance payments from the car insurance company).

It is NOT all in my head.......it is also in my heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, blood…

In the Eastern world, Lupus DOES exist. (as is evidenced by this rather large Lupus walk in China...)

Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory....but there is often no actual conspiracy…

Happy isn't that same thing as healthy(People seem to think if I am smiling or laughing that must mean I'm well, Hallejuiah, she's healed!So some people don't keep getting confused, I will start acting miserable... God Bless the feeble-minded)

People, pick better colleges to get your degrees from. They are robbing you!