I'd also like to add that one of these days I feel it will be necessary for me to reside in Bucksnort, Tennessee. Just because I want to tell people "Yeah, I live up in Bucksnort." (Yes, I'm rather easily amused...I happen to think that's a GOOD quality)
Of course, I certainly wouldn't mind visiting California again and I'm eager to visit other states too. I've got a lot of of travelling to do!!!
So, without further ado...THE MAP
create your own visited states map
I'd have a much redder map heheh. I've been to a buuuncha different states. When I was younger my grandma would take me on a trip every summer, so the milage added up. I should sit down and do one of those maps some time but I'm lazy. :D Glad you got to OhiO safely!
Show off! =P
Cassi threatened to come pick me up so we can go to NY and to that yarn store she's been lusting after. I think if we follow through, you should come too!!! Cause we wouldn't be the three Knit-kateers. Or something...I can't think of anything witty, sorry.
Probably because my mom's talking at me. *sigh* I aws SO looking forward to spending time with Sara and now my MOTHER's invaded! ='( and now she's staying longer because she needs one of my bug ass cousins to come move her luggage. Someone save me!!! Or shoot me...whatever =(
Okay enough poor me-ness. So yeah, we need to take road trips and crap like to Las Vegas and San Fransisco and other places with 3 names.
I can't type...at least you know it's me LMAO So um corrections even though I'm sure you don't need them, you know how anal I am.
aws = was
bug = big
3 = 2
I'm not used to my sister's keyboard....yeah...that's it! hehehe
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