I was just thinking to myself Wow, I have a lot to write about! I wish there were some way I could just record myself saying what I want to write and then post it.
Yeah, I am too lazy to type out a blog. Hell, one of these days there probably WILL be a way to just say what you want typed. Aside from secretaries and whatever other programs may already exist outside of my income bracket, of course. In any case since those are just pipe dreams (to me) for the moment, I might as well stop wasting time and energy typing bullshit and get down to business.
First of all, I had a really great time staying with my sister last week even though my mom ended up imposing herself upon us and stayed the entire week. Of course Fri-Sun was wonderful because I went up to Tiffin to Ria & Steve's house for Cookie Making Weekend. An annual get together in which Steve prepares insanely wonderful feasts, we make various forms of cookies, and just generally enjoy one another's company for 3 days. Even in spite of the fact that there were 9 people sharing 3 bathrooms, only 2 of which had showers. We somehow managed to avoid any brawls. Freakish right? Cookie making weekend always seems to be scheduled (conveniently or inconveniently depending upon your own personal views) during the OSU vs. Michigan game. The reason this is potentially inconvenient is because Maria and Steve have forgone the luxury of television. They have a TV but it is used primarily to listen to music on those TV Radio stations and watch DVDs. So you can see where the lack of cable might be a problem in viewing what amounts to the biggest football game of the year for many, many, many Ohioans, myself included. Yes, I consider myself an Ohioan and a Texan. So I'm mixed... Wanna fight about it? You can imagine the dilemma this causes when OSU plays UT. Actually, to be honest, I think it's kind of a nifty game because really no matter whom comes out the victor, I'm a pretty happy camper. I also go around looking like a 'tard all day in my Buckeye tshirt and Longhorn hoodie/pants/some other article of clothing so that's always fun. You just ave to be careful about going out in public is all. HAHAHA Anyway, I digress (as usual) so moving right along...
In case you didn't know, the OSU Buckeyes did, indeed beat the Michigan Wolverines. WAHOO! Much to my dissatisfaction it was a VERY close game, but we won in the end and that's what really matters is it not? At least from a football fanatic point of view. I personally wouldn't have been bordering suicidal. Had we lost I would have probably been a little sad and declared the loss to be "too bad" before proceeding to play a raucous game of Yahtzee! with my family (which I lost by a pathetic margin) and eating cookies. So, now we get to wait until January or some other far off month until OSU takes on whomever they happen to be playing against at the Tostitos Bowl (I think) in AZ. So, since I'll still be up here, that will undoubtedly be a big to-do as well.
I am looking forward to this Thursday (HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!!!) because that is the day on which we celebrate Thanksgiving (fancy that!) by getting everyone, their mother, their uncle, their wife, and their dog together at The Olde Dutch Resauraunt in Logan. Every year, my Grandma has someone do something creative for her to use as personalized placemarkers. This year (since I'm here) the honor fell to moi. I enlisted the help of my sister and now we are 2 days away from Thanksgiving with our project about halfway done. Ain't procrastination grand?! We're making personalized magnets for each guest and as of now we have the magnets painted and magnetized, but we still have to decoupage and personalize them. I'm just hoping that Sara's right and the decoupage glue doesn't require too long to set up...We DO have an excuse for being so far behind, I swear! It's a shitty excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.
We didn't feel like it. LOL
Honestly, we would've worked more on them the past couple of days if recent events hadn't transpired, but alas - life goes on (I never did care for that show) Want to hear all about it? Probably not, but I'm typing it in here just in case and cause I feel like it.
So, my sweet sissy was working at this shitass company called EarthTones. Basically what they did, was sell clothing products (shirts, hats, etc) to companies such as John Deere and JCPenney. Well, here's the thing...they took the orders and the money, but then the boss man (we'll call him Larry, since that's his name) instructed them not to ship the products. Brilliant business strategy, right? Needless to say, the company didn't do so well. So, after months of bullshitting and telling Sara that they were going to find her another position at one of Larry's other crappy companies, she was "let go". Doesn't that term just make you want to smack someone? I could be wrong, but I don't know a whole lot of people who WANT to lose their job. I know plenty of people who don't like their jobs - even hate them- but I'm pretty sure they like that whole getting paid thing. On the plus side, Sara HATED her job with a passion and was quite relieved when they "let her go". On the plus+ side, she has already found a new temp agency and a promising potential new job! YAY! (She's so industrious) Unfortunately, she's been having some trouble getting the application completed, also because of the recent events that have transpired. Okay, on the the transpired event now...
Yesterday (Monday) morning Sara awoke bright and early to go to the temp agency for what I assume was a placement interview. Mom and I both got up with her. I think I have a sinus/ear infection or a cold, but it's not bad yet so I'm still feeling basically okay *knock on wood* Mom made breakfast for Sara and me which consisted of toast with butter and cinnamon sugar and hot drinks. Sara had tea, I had hot chocolate...that's not important to the story, but whatever. The point is that Mom was doing well. After eating, I sat up for a bit to avoid acid reflux or something equally unpleasant and then headed back to bed. I vaguely remember my mom coming in and checking on me while she got dressed and stuff. Sara returned home at around 10:30, I think and I went ahead and got up at that point. Aren't vacations the greatest? Oh wait, I do that every day - nevermind! Haha!
So, yea...anyway, mom wasn't at the apartment anymore which prompted me to ask Sara where she'd gone. Iwas told that she went to return some things to various stores so I decided to give her a call and ask if she would pick up some Coke for me since when I'm sick, I like to drink Coke. I think because that's just what I always had. She said sure and everything was hunky dorey until about an hour later. That was when we received a call from mom. She couldn't talk too well so Jim from Wal-Mart got on the line to tell us that she'd fainted in the checkout line. This has been happeneing a lot lately and she doesn't exactly faint so much as she just gets very, very weak and can't stand up any longer. So, we thanked Jim and rushed to Wal-Mart to collect mom. When we got there, there was an ambulance out front and mom was inside it. Jim had called 9-1-1 apparently, and rightly so. The ambulance techicians couldn't however get a line started on her since my mom's veins are small and tend to roll. So, they took her over to the E.R. where Sara and I finally caught up with her (after searching for 30 minutes to find a parking space, that is). As far as I know right now, they still don't know why she is having these dizzy/weak spells. There are several theories. One doctor thought it was her heart as her heartbeat was only 46 and suggested a pacemaker before learning that she takes Nadolol and that could be affecting her. A nurse thought that maybe it's because the dosages on her medications haven't been change since her weight loss (she's lost about 45 pounds and isn't it sad that none of the other doctors she's seen thought of that?) and of course, as is often the case with weakness/dizziness/numbness it could be neurological. So, many tests are being performed. She also found out that she is an excellent candidate for a surgury she recently discovered she needed (you REALLY don't want to hear about it, trust me) so that was good news, but now I don't know if that's a plausible option. Especially since she'd have to undergo general anesthesia and with her heartrate so low....I just don't know, but it worries me.
If you've read this far, I applaud, congratulate, and thank you and if you happen to have any insights as to what is going on, I'd love to hear your thoughts. As for me, I'm just medicating myself as usual and adding DayQuil, NyQuil, Amoxicillan, and various Zinc remedies to help me get over this whatever-the-hell-it-is and hoping that I will be well enough to go to Thanksgiving dinner. I'd like for mom to be able to go too, but I don't know how I'd feel about her travelling. I haven't been to see her since she got admitted to the hospital from the E.R. since I'm already sick. I feel badly about that, but I understand where people are comimg from when they ask me to stay home. Sara's visiting her right now and the poor thing has to come home and be up tomorrow in time to finish the application process at the temp agency at 7:30 a.m. To top things off, our friend Beth came over tonight to hitch a ride to see mom and while she was here she got a call telling her that she was being "let go" as well! Her pussy of a boss e-mailed the V.P. of the company she works for, who e-mailed the temp agency where they found her, who called her at 7 p.m. 2 days before Thanksgiving to tell her that they no longer needed her services. Don't you just want to hurt people sometimes?! The temp agency assured her that they'd have her place in a new job by Monday, but it's a pisser, you know? She actually liked her job too and she has two young boys to support. Obviously neither of their fathers pays child support. That would be far too mature of them. Anyway, now I'm feeling angry and just really disliking a lot of people. I've got that Thanksgiving spirit!!! Hahaha...So this is pretty much how I feel about people in general right now -