Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Want My Mommy...

Hey peoples...I'm in kind of a poopy mood right at the moment because my mommy's in the hospital yet again and she's being told again that she will most likely need a pace maker. I realize that a pace maker is not a death sentence - that it's actually a life-saving device, but I still don't like it. (THAT's the understatement of the millenium...) Mom just called me (on her cell very ironic) to ask me to look up what kind of pace maker is used to treat cardioneurogenic syncope (a.k.a. vasovagal syncope) I have no idea what I'm looking at and it's making me feel like crap. I really hate this whole other people being sick thing. It's so much easier when I was the one who was sick and I didn't have to worry and fret and feel stupid and insufficient because I had no idea what to do. This sucks ass. She asked me to print off pertinent information, but I don't know what qualifies as "pertinent". I will probably end up printing every article ever written on vasosvagal/cardioneurogenic syncope and come up with nothing useful. *sigh* Bleh, I feel incredibly useless right now and the worse I feel, the tireder I get. Logically, I know I need to stop - take a break from looking at all this crap. But as a concerned daughter, I don't want to stop looking at everything on the internet until I find something that says "Oh, nevermind! Your mom is fine. We're just going to *insert medical jargon type procedure-y thing here* and she'll be good to go!" And yet I sit here, pissing and moaning about it in my blog. Productive, right? I guess I'll just have to do the best I can and hope and pray that I can help my mommy. I've noticed some support group thingies that might be useful. Somehow, talking to people who have experienced a certain problem is always much more enlightening than discussing it with those who merely treat and analyze said condition. Perhaps I shall peruse the support group area for information that may be helpful...

Okay, I took a much needed break to look at slightly less disturbing subject matter. Specifically y'all's blogs and stuff! I also took a trip to a couple of crafty-type knitting, etc sites. Since of the three of us who actually read this blog, I'm the least likely to have finded this thingy, I felt the desperate need to point it out. I think this would be fun to cross-stitch, though I don't know wtf I'd put it on...I also like this because quite frankly, I HAVE often thought that my toiletries would look MUCH more attractive were they ensconced within a scary robot. Doesn't every girl feel that way? I really like a lot of the stuff on the Anticraft website...thanks Andrea!!! In fact, while looking at this little project (which I fully intend to attempt in the future - just to forewarn you) I discovered Miss Monster, of whom I am now quite fond! I'm pretty sure that this is the best picture ever. Though I also think that this one is really pretty. Is it weird that I think that's "pretty"? Eh, probably, but oh fucking well - I do! So, HA! In addition to looking at pretties online, I also took some time to finish my first Merry Gentry book. It was quite fun and seemed an impossibly quick read. Those were some of the fastest 435 pages I ever devoured.

I'm still not sure what the Hell I'm looking for as far as my mommy's condition goes, but at least I got a little break. I guess looking for I-don't-know-what for 4 hours straight would make anyone feel a little inadequate. Or maybe it's just me. I don't know, but I do feel a bit better now. Yarn and venting have that effect on me...

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