Anyway, I decided to stop being a bum and go ahead n' set up my webcam so that I could send pictures of my new lovelies across time and space to you, the unsuspecting viewer! Thoughtful of me, no?
Anyway, the following pictures were taken with my excessively crappy Logitech webcam so they suck ass, but you get the idea.
My Yarn Stash Box
from the top...
And now the YARN!!!
BEHOLD!All the yarny goodness I possess...
Yummy, 100% Alpaca!(presented in two beautiful colors)
and Heather-y Purple
These are my older yarns...
Velour-y Blue stuff
and my crappy ass Purple Red Heart stuff. (a.k.a. practice yarn)
That's it for now. You can see my needles in there too. I only have three pairs thus far, but my collection is growing almost daily, so yeah. I also want to say that, though my Red Heart stuff is basically spun crap, I love it because one of my bestest friends gave it to me and I learned how to knit with it.
Katy is addicted! And red heart has it's purposes. YOu can practice without screwing your good yarn! Just move on to the good stuff soon.
Red Heart = yarn poop
Nothing you knit with red heart will look good. Be at peace with that. :) If you're holding onto it purely for sentimental value I shall have to replace it with something decent lol.
P.S. Welcome to the ranks of yarn whoredom. :D We are fiborg, resistance is textile!
hehehe, I actually brought my red heart with me for to practice with/give to whomever I'm able to tempt with the ways of the Alpaca... We should start a rule that whomever receives the purple Red Heart must pass it on to their very own prodigy so that the circle of Alpaca might may grow! Assuming I'm able to part with it...LOL
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