First of all, I am DONE knitting on my first complete project!!! It's the modified Irish Hiking Scarf that I made for Sara and all that's left to do now is wash, block and add the fringe. I was going to avoid posting it on here since Sara also has the address for this, but I'm considering giving it to her now and making/getting her something else for Giftmas. Anyway, as you well know, it started off a bit shakily, but thanks to Cassi's brilliant advice (using the Yahoo Doodle IMVironment LMAO) I discovered a new, prettier, and more effective way to join yarn! Thanks Cassi!! So, instead of a whole bunch of messy, ugly color changes, Sara will be receiving a scarf with smooth joins instead. Hoorayness! Here's the *almost* finished result. (*Click on the pictures for larger, more detailed views*)
I also started a cool hat (the same pattern I was looking at making for my aunt) and decided to make one for myself in this really gorgeous color of the same yarn I did Sara's scarf in. This is what I have so far...
The color isn't showing up EXACTLY right on my's actually a more turquoise-y blue green color than just a pretty green. Right now it looks as though I'm starting another scarf, but it's actually the matching hat. It will *hopefully* end up looking like this:

Except WAY prettier cause my color is so much more awesome. Cool hat though, right? I'm planning to make one for my aunt too, but I'm going to use some Lion Brand Thick and Quick so I probably have to modify the pattern a bit to account for the yarn's massivosity. (Isn't making up words fun?!)
I believe that's all for now...I would've just put all this on Ravelry, but my Ravelry>Flickr coordination seems to be not so coordinated. Hopefully I can get them posted up there soon though! I'm just ecstatic that I finally got my invitation!!! SQUEEEEEE