Friday, September 22, 2006

Kitty Cats & Progress

I am making headway on the scarf I'm making with the pretty blue/green alpaca for my sister. I only have 3 rows done, but that's headway, damnit! I ended up casting on 56 stitches, so it's nice and wide. As for the kitty cats, my aunt mailed my a couple of pictures of her adorable kitties, which I recieved today. I shall now scan said pictures with my mommy's new 4-in-1 printer thingy.

For your viewing pleasure, I present:

Miflin & Bailey
Miflin & Bailey

and Madolyn

One other cute kitty thingy my uncle e-mailed me was this. hehehehehe Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Pretties

I am no longer a yarn shop virgin. Now I an a yarn shop addict. Of course, as a nice woman at the store pointed out, there are worse things to be addicted to. She's probably a bigger yarnoholic than I am. hehehe

Anyway, I decided to stop being a bum and go ahead n' set up my webcam so that I could send pictures of my new lovelies across time and space to you, the unsuspecting viewer! Thoughtful of me, no?

Anyway, the following pictures were taken with my excessively crappy Logitech webcam so they suck ass, but you get the idea.

My Yarn Stash Box

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from the top...

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And now the YARN!!!

BEHOLD!All the yarny goodness I possess...

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Yummy, 100% Alpaca!(presented in two beautiful colors)


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and Heather-y Purple

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These are my older yarns...

Velour-y Blue stuff

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and my crappy ass Purple Red Heart stuff. (a.k.a. practice yarn)

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That's it for now. You can see my needles in there too. I only have three pairs thus far, but my collection is growing almost daily, so yeah. I also want to say that, though my Red Heart stuff is basically spun crap, I love it because one of my bestest friends gave it to me and I learned how to knit with it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A New Experiment in Hideousness

So, I've been attempting to knit. As all my blogs on here have made evident. All my blogs on here have also made it apparent that I'm not particularly good at it.

I particularly blow at purling. So, I decided the make this scarf using only garter stitch. After two days I have resigned myself to the fact that this is most likey just going to end up as an experiment to see just exactly how BAD I can get a simple garter stitch to look. So far I'm doing an amazingly wonderful job of screwing it up. Yay me! How I manage to fuck up garter stitch is beyond me, but I guess it's just a gift. Thus far I've decided that these fuck ups will be considered (by myself) to be 'design features'. To whichever poor soul I decide to bestow this monstrosity upon I can only say...may the alpaca be with you.

And now...the picture...beware: Some may consider this graphic!

Behold! 16 of the ugliest rows of garter stitch you may ever have the misfortune of viewing!

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Yeah there's only one pic. How many pictures can you scan of 16 rows of garter stitch? I guess I could've also scanned the back but I didn't. Wanna fight about it?
Anyway, notice the big, gaping HOLE in the middle...yeah, that's the best part! maybe I can stick a button on it or something. I don't know...Any ideas?

Sunday, September 17, 2006


I've come to the conclusion that knitting doesn't like me very much. Either that or the evil froggies are descending upon me, and only me. Oh well, I like knitting whether it (or the froggies) like me or not! So, HA!

My hands have been rather painful today. Arthritis sucks monkey butt. I had a headache earlier, but consuming excessive amounts of chocolate seemed to rid me of that! I still can't imagine why I'm not losing weight. ROFLMAO

Anyway, methinks I shall probably forgo any more attempts at knitting tonight and wait until tomorrow to torture myself again. I'm going to try to either knit a purl swatch so I can get more used to it or else I may just knit a scarf with no pattern. No purling, nothing but knit stitches as far as the eye can least on the scarf anyway.