So, I've been attempting to knit. As all my blogs on here have made evident. All my blogs on here have also made it apparent that I'm not particularly good at it.
I particularly blow at purling. So, I decided the make this scarf using only garter stitch. After two days I have resigned myself to the fact that this is most likey just going to end up as an experiment to see just exactly how BAD I can get a simple garter stitch to look. So far I'm doing an amazingly wonderful job of screwing it up. Yay me! How I manage to fuck up garter stitch is beyond me, but I guess it's just a gift. Thus far I've decided that these fuck ups will be considered (by myself) to be 'design features'. To whichever poor soul I decide to bestow this monstrosity upon I can only say...may the alpaca be with you.
And now...the picture...beware: Some may consider this graphic!
Behold! 16 of the ugliest rows of garter stitch you may ever have the misfortune of viewing!

Yeah there's only one pic. How many pictures can you scan of 16 rows of garter stitch? I guess I could've also scanned the back but I didn't. Wanna fight about it?
Anyway, notice the big, gaping HOLE in the middle...yeah, that's the best part! maybe I can stick a button on it or something. I don't know...Any ideas?