I've come to the conclusion that knitting doesn't like me very much. Either that or the evil froggies are descending upon me, and only me. Oh well, I like knitting whether it (or the froggies) like me or not! So, HA!
My hands have been rather painful today. Arthritis sucks monkey butt. I had a headache earlier, but consuming excessive amounts of chocolate seemed to rid me of that! I still can't imagine why I'm not losing weight. ROFLMAO
Anyway, methinks I shall probably forgo any more attempts at knitting tonight and wait until tomorrow to torture myself again. I'm going to try to either knit a purl swatch so I can get more used to it or else I may just knit a scarf with no pattern. No purling, nothing but knit stitches as far as the eye can see...at least on the scarf anyway.
Can someone tell me who invited the damn frogs? Hope the hands are better today!
I dunno who invited the frogs but they oughtta be shot dammit. I hate the damn frogs. They have vetoed my swamp witch shawl for now. *pout*
Sucks about the arthritis hon... I feel your pain every time it rains. The hell of fibromyalgia is that it can move randomly to wherever it pleases and it likes to f-up my hands when the barometric pressure changes. Really irritating. Although Cassi too knows the pain since she has carpal tunnel. Sucks majorly when your hands hurt and ya can't knit. :(
As for knitting a swatch, that's not a bad idea. I knitted miles and miles of swatches (and ripped and ripped miles too) before i started making stuff. Just ask Cassi lol. She watched me get familiar with the frogs. :) Hang in there, keep practicing!
yes, we have all been to swatchland. It's not a bad place. If you knit them in cotton they make really nice washcloths.
OOOOO good idea Cassi... I hadn't thought of the washcloth idea. I used crappy red heart stuff... but peaches n' cream cotton yarn from malwart would probably knit up much easier (and nicer) anyway and you said it makes faboo washcloths... *tips hat to Cassi* you so smaaaart
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