As you also may know, I severely dislike Tom. So naturally, since I don't like him - since I was perfectly happy never to speak to him EVER again - naturally, he e-mails me. To "apologize" Yeah...right... In his usual, emo way he insists that he's grown up and realizes he "may" have treated me unfairly in the past. HA! Whatthefuckever. Oh, and not only does he have the gall to e-mail me out of nowhere after 2 years, but he also has the gumption to do it condescendingly. When I told him this, he was even MORE condescending, saying that he guessed it might sound that way if one were looking for ulterior motives. HA! When was ANYTHING uttered from that asshole's mouth anything OTHER than an ulterior motive? Seriously?? From telling me about drunken parties that he left because some girl was "eyeing" him to referring to me as a "really good companion" and then again as a "good girl". First of all: he most likely had a booger or a shitstain, secondly: I am not, nor have I ever been, a dog of any variety though he may have treated me as such while we were "dating" (i.e. "while I drove 45 minutes to see him and he just played video games, jacked off and treated me like his own personal concubine)
So, yeah I hate everything right now. Most especially men.
In addition to this joyous turn of events, apparently there's something wrong with the pool here AGAIN. I don't have the slightest clue WHAT, but it's a putrid green/brown color and they've been doing something - (draining it I suspect) that sounds as if there's a jackhammer nearby -since 8 this morning. Really great for my headache.
Well, first of all, they finally stopped jackhammering the pool! Yayness! I think I might go lie back down simply because I can actually rest now...but first:
Tom e-mailed me again on MySpace. I also replied. I feel a little better now, I guess...I also feel like I'm slamming a door that I'm not positive I want to close in the first place. I keep going back and forth about whether I should try to be "friends" with him or not. I think I just really need to get/keep him off my mind. (Obviously, I'm in a 'NOT' mood right now! LOL)Anyway, I thought y'all might be interested to see what I finally wrote so here it is (I'm trying to find out how my friend does her screen shots but until I do, I'll just copy and paste stuff) So, here's the most recent e-mail from him:
No Subject
It came off condescending? O.k. it was an apology--maybe it seems that way if you're searching for ulterior motives.
I grew up, Katy. I matured greatly in the last year and realized I wasn't too nice to you at times. I wanted to apologize because you are a good girl and I don't want you to carry such hurt.
Grandma's been gone for a long while now. Her mind isn't all there anymore so she lives with my parents. I've been living alone.
AND my reply:
RE: No Subject
You've never been good with apologies. At least never in the time I've known you. And pretty much everything you do and say comes across as condescending. I guess it's just one of the hazards of thinking that you're better than everyone else. I wasn't looking for ulterior motives, you presented them openly and even if I had been seeking them out, can you blame me? I do find it hard to believe that you didn't realize referring to me as a "pretty good companion" and then again in this e-mail as a "good girl" would be seen as condescending since I 'm not a pet. You're not a stupid guy, Tom. Though you do constantly prove otherwise in regards to other people's feelings. I suppose it's possible that you still just don't understand women and that is, quite frankly, just sad.
You claim that you've "grown up" over the last year, but it seems to me that you're still exactly the same. You still think that you're better/smarter than everyone else and you still care much more about your own emotions than those of anyone else. In addition, I'm sorry to have to break it to you, but you give yourself too much credit. There was a time when I was saddened that our "relationship" failed but I got over that years ago when I realized that I don't deserve to be treated like a dog and I DO deserve so much better than you. In short I've moved on. I moved on a long time ago. The only reason I can figure that you would bother me again is to clear your own conscience. I hope that you consider it cleared because I have no desire to correspond with you again. The only reason I initially wrote back to you was to warn you that my friends are viciously protective and they hate you. I, personally, don't hate you, Tom. I certainly don't wish you ill. Like I said before, I have no desire to correspond with you any further so please stop e-mailing me unless you desperately need my help with something. I apologize if this e-mail seems "cold and impersonal" but to be perfectly honest, that's just the way I feel towards you at this point in time. Take care, Tom and have a nice life.
So, that's all she wrote...for now. "She" being me, I suppose. We'll see if he writes back. I'm guessing not since I asked him not to, but God knows he HAS to get the last word in so...we'll see. I did have a whole schpiel in there about how I really just couldn't care less, but then I realized that A. that would just be outright mean to say (and I'm not an outright mean person. I'm more of a subtly mean person. LOL) and B. If I heard that he'd died a horrible, painful death I would probably feel badly for him and for his family so it would've been not only mean, but kind of a lie. Anyway, I cut it from the final letter as you can see. What do y'all think? I think it gets my point across without being vicious and that's very "me" of me. Don't you agree?
Good response to the asshat. I love the poopstain color you picked for the asshat's words. You were calm and straightforward without cursing excessively or threatening to nail his scrotum to a fencepost. I wish I had that much restraint. LOL
And by the way, no don't bother keeping him as a friend. He'll just try to extort the occasional pity fuck out of you most likely and treat you like dirt the rest of the time I'm sorry to say. You deserve SO much astronomically better. Don't waste yer time on him.
I have to tell you, you are probably the classiest person I know. Anyone else (including me) would have taken the chance to hand him his own ass, but you took the high road.
Also, if you change your mind I know people who would make him regret being born, and they owe me favors. I'm just sayin',.
Tehehehehe *pokes katy with the wakeup stick*
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