I got my new checks today. Actually, I probably got them a couple of days ago but I didn't get 'em out of my box till today. Poor mailman...Anyway, I am so easily amused/bored I scanned them so y'all could see!!!

I also got my new book! Whee!!! I scanned that too. Because I have nothing better to do and I'm refusing to lie back down until at LEAST 9 o'clock. Which also explains the Mt Dew I have mainlining to my mouth... It was written by a friend and I really like his writing AND it's autographed. You know, because everyone loves me. Especially when I pay $24.95 for their book...hehehehehe...

I tried to scan the back of the book too, but the words were illegible so I just decided to forget it. I already started reading it, but then set it down to chat online (with the author LOL) Anyway, the moral of the story (mine, not the book's) is that it's really good thus far. If you're interested, it can be purchased
here. Also,
Phil's Place is a really good short story in my humble opinion. I even wrote a review for him on Amazon. I think y'all might like it - the story, that is (especially you, Andrea). I'm eagerly awaiting the sequels Joe has promised...*this it me, eagerly waiting*
I may have gotten something else too. *blush* (No Andrea, it's not a vibrator!! LOL) I'm just being blushy cause it's this...
It's for a good cause okay?! I'm helping with Evan's surgery!!! By the way, the prices there (at SuperCrafty) are amazingly reasonable and they have some GORGEOUS hand dyed stuff, not to mention lots of Misti Alpaca *drools* I'm not sure why the labels are different since these are both worsted weight and everything. I'm guessing it either has to do with the colors or the time they came out. In any case they're both incredibly soft and wondermous. If you're going to buy yarn online check there first, please!!!
Oh, I'm still waiting on my new shirts. I was really hoping they'd be here today. Maybe I'll get REALLY lucky and they'll show up tomorrow before I leave.
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